Banning Myself

Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 03:33 pm
dlowan wrote:

Craven, I don't expect a reply about this - but I hope you are over-reacting a bit about the donations? I would have hoped that most people were not petty enough to use any donations they made in that way, even when they are in conflict with you, or the site? Although, perhaps 'tis human nature - since I certainly would not have thought Sugar would do so...

If you are asking if I am inordinately sensitive to the implication of greed I think you know that I am.

I don't like dealing with money.

But if you really mean an overreaction, I don't think so. I mean, what was my reaction except to offer to refund it?

I did not speak meanly to Sugar, I did not call her names. Quinn and Sugar have done so and I have not reciprocated. There were times when I would have liked to but I don't think I've had much in way of reaction at all, and overreaction even less.

You see, a donation is exactly that - a donation - it was never sold as giving particular rights and such. Had I been Craven, I would have been very fearful of asking for the help (and my sense of him is that he is a far more independent and ornery critter than I am, and hence that it was exponentially harder for him) partly for exactly this reason - that people would use it as a weapon when they were angry. Personally, I hope that, should I ever fling off in high dudgeon from this site, I would have sufficient honour not to indulge in such tactics - just as I do not say to friends/lovers when I am angry - "But I took you to dinner last night/bought this for you etc., how can you be so mean!"

I think I have some sense of how incredibly hard it was for Craven to ask for money for the site - and I am very grateful to him for bending, and being gracious and kind enough to do so - because, like so many of us, I get a lot from here, and I would have been very sad to see it go under.

Seeing it flung in his face makes me think it was very selfish of me to be glad he was prepared to ask for help. I think this kind of thing would cause me to "over-react", too. But, then, I do not have the kind of hide that would allow me to deal with the constant attacks and vilification that are part of running a site such as this.

You summarize very well why this bothers me. With all the advertising and donations included A2K was still a net loss in the thousands for me last year. Just how much of a financial burden it was did not become apparent to me until I did my taxes and added it up.

So it's not like the donations were motivated by greed, as both Sugar and Quinn suggest.

That's an implication that is hurtful to me and is the type of discourse that I've not stooped to with either Quinn or Sugar.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 03:48 pm
This is awful & terribly sad. Please can it stop now?
Craven, I'm sorry you are so over-worked here. Is it possible for you to take some time out & concentrate on finding a new job?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 03:49 pm
Craven said: "If you are asking if I am inordinately sensitive to the implication of greed I think you know that I am.

I don't like dealing with money.

But if you really mean an overreaction, I don't think so. I mean, what was my reaction except to offer to refund it?"

No, no - I meant I hoped this sort of thing - the use of the donation to bludgeon you with - was not common. Sorry not to be clear. I understand your reaction when it IS used in that way very well...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 03:55 pm
I can fully understand that, too, dlowan. <sigh>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 03:59 pm
Craven, I think you have done an extraordinarily good job with this site and personally do not think you have anything to explain or apologize for. Most of us, well at least myself, are getting a free ride here and a quality ride at that.

Sugar as always IMHO had a bit of an "edge" and her self imposed exit was "operatic" . It may take a while but I suspect she will return.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:10 pm
dlowan wrote:
No, no - I meant I hoped this sort of thing - the use of the donation to bludgeon you with - was not common.

Actually, it is relatively common and I've already refunded donations when the "I donated" card was played in the past. It bothers me enough that I dream of winning the lottery and refunding all donations tenfold so that nobody else can pull this on me.

msolga wrote:
Is it possible for you to take some time out & concentrate on finding a new job?

Yes, the wheels are in motion. I won't be involved at all in moderation shortly.

Acquiunk wrote:
Craven, I think you have done an extraordinarily good job with this site and personally do not think you have anything to explain or apologize for. Most of us, well at least myself, are getting a free ride here and a quality ride at that.

Thanks, but I'd like to highlight that a lot of people help and it's certainly not a one-man show. For a topical example, both Quinn and Sugar have helped A2K.

Jes and the mods do a whole lot for the site as well.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:16 pm
Oh, really? How disappointing. Sad
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:21 pm
So Craven, now I HAVE personally attacked you because I said sometimes you were childish and idiotic?
Lets clarify something there buddyboy
childish and idiotic are behaviors, and I stated the fact that sometimes this is your behavior. This isnt a personal attack, this would be my observation of your behavior.
Maybe I should make sure you dont feel badly and say sometimes you act immature and silly? Isnt that just as bad to your sensitive nature?

Its probably my fault for not taking the time to consider your feelings, how you would react to something put in such a manner and I completely realize that is my downfall at times, beg pardon sir.

I dont understand you and this communication has gotten completely out of hand. I would wish you to cease and dissist sir as I am starting to take this personally. I have previously given you your props and tried to quelch the discussion in a friendly like manner. Its not working.

Oh yes, and and as for personal, Sugar may be a true near and dear friend, but, thats not why I have been here in this discussion with you, it just the reason I stopped by in the first place.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:43 pm
quinn1 wrote:
So Craven, now I HAVE personally attacked you because I said sometimes you were childish and idiotic?
Lets clarify something there buddyboy
childish and idiotic are behaviors, and I stated the fact that sometimes this is your behavior. This isnt a personal attack, this would be my observation of your behavior. Maybe I should make sure you dont feel badly and say sometimes you act immature and silly? Isnt that just as bad to your sensitive nature?

Quinn, I won't engage in pedantics over whether or not it constitutes a personal attack. Your post isn't pulled and nothing will happen so I won't get into the letter of the 'law' when the 'law' won't come into play.

I will, however, say that I have not made similar comments about you and really don't have anything of that ilk to say about you.

Those specific comments did not offend me. But I do think you are bing underhanded with your reaction.

I removed a signature. I apologized for angering Sugar and am met by these insults on both of your parts.

I have not reciprocated. I've not claled either of you any names. Initially the criticism directed at me was obstensibly about courtesy.

My point is not to try to split hairs about what to call your comments. My point is that you are not affording me a courtesy that I have afforded you. I have not called you names. I have not called Sugar names. I honestly don't really have anything negative to say about either of you. I do, however, disagree with both of your reactions.

I dont understand you and this communication has gotten completely out of hand. I would wish you to cease and dissist sir as I am starting to take this personally.

And as I said previously Quinn, when people hurl insults at me I will respond in the manner I find appropriate. I will not, however, resport to the same namecalling but reserve the right to disagree when you insult me.

In short, I am saying that when you decide to call me names AND tell me when to drop it I will politely decline. I do not consider that to be a reasonable request nor do I think it's sourced in any concern for courtesy at all.

I have previously given you your props and tried to quelch the discussion in a friendly like manner. Its not working.

Quinn, I too tried to be nice. And I continue to reserve my more ill-proportioned thoughts.

I suspect that nothing less than saying that Sugar was reasonable to equate link removal on a message board to the Holocaust is what you would consider appropriate. I suspect that any mention made of Sugar's multiple insults is objectionable to you.

I've disagreed with Sugar's criticisms and voiced them as publically, if in less vulgar fashion, that either yourself or Sugar.

It's my opinion that I'm making far more of an effort for friendliness than either yourself or Sugar have.

I disagree with the reactions and with someof the criticsms leveled at me. I voice said disagreement with civility. I will not "drop it" while you continue to hurl insults. As I said earlier, I will have to politely decline.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:48 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
Wilso wrote:
I have so given up trying to figure the rules in regards to links!

Then allow me to explain.

If you have a website, you can't post it here.

You can't put a link or reference to it in a post.
You can't put it in your signature.
You can't put it in PMs.

Practical Q:

- Is it OK to reference to specific articles or data on your own website when the reference is relevant to the subject of the discussion?

- Is it allowed to reference someone to your website in a PM in response to a query, or to clarify something you are discussing together? (As in, oh well, if you're actually interested in the work I do, you can find all the info at http://xxx?)
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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:52 pm
Not without an exception. The reason is because a good many spammers create the context to then spam.

Here's an example from today: The spammer creates an account to ask a question and then uses another account to answer with a link.

Various methods for linking to one's own site and making it relevant are attempted and this is why a simple (if more restrictive) rule is in place. Spammers join all the time to hawk their wares on relevant threads. Many search google for messageboards about their topic or product and then post if they find threads here. Because of the steady stream of abuse relevance is not a criteria. The only place on A2K that members can enter their own sites is in the profile field reserved for this (and this does not mean they can do that then post "go check out the site in my profile" as many of the spammers do).

This too, may change as the spamming hordes are using automated tools to abuse even that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 05:05 pm
yeh, i understand. that sucks.

I mean, its really hard to adhere to these rules, i think, i mean i've sure been in violation. For example, the other day i answered someone's question by pm about my work by sending them the link to our website - lot easier to do that than recounting it all myself (tho i guess you can tell someone to google for <fill in name of your site>). I've also been in violation to the extent that i post, like, these election graphs and stuff here, which i make myself in excel, then upload to my website - wouldnt know how else to post such data here. But then again, those are not links, really, those are just image files i'm adding to my post - its not like you go anywhere when you click them - so maybe they arent a violation. thin line, huh.

damn, this stuff is complicated - and it just really sucks that its had to come this far. may all spammers go to hell. <nods>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 05:07 pm
Go back to hell. Evil or Very Mad

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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 05:09 pm
For the most part what you describe would automatically be given an exception.

But because of the creativity of the spammers the rule is structured strictly with the exceptions clause.

For example, if we were to say that sharing a link by PM is ok that would cover some of the worst spammers we've had (more than a few times 3 to 5 members will join and try to spam the entire memberlist by PM during the night).

In the web design forum I'll frequently ask for a link by PM. But were a member to try to generate said curiosity (e.g. "I ahve a really cool site but I can't post it but if you are interested I'll send it to you") it'd probably be pulled.

Basically, for the most part what you describe would be fine. The workind of the actual rule is harder (with an exception clause) because of the grey area that is so frequently exploited by spammers.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 06:14 pm
OK, thats good! -- and: yes, I understand.

What a sucky job - the whole spamguard thing. I wished they'd get on with the legislation on it.

In Holland, a provider (XS4All, the original provider) just won a court case ... XS4All had started refusing to send on spam, the spamming company appealed to the principle of free speech. XS4All won the courtcase, the spammers won the appeal case, XS4All now won the, err, appeal to the appeal? The final decision. They say it'll really help. (The spammer in Q is bankrupt by now, too.)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 06:34 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:

Quinn, I won't engage in pedantics over whether or not it constitutes a personal attack. Your post isn't pulled and nothing will happen so I won't get into the letter of the 'law' when the 'law' won't come into play.

I never even dreamed that it would be considered such, but I can see now how you would take it as such, and if that be true then, the post should be pulled if you feel it to be such.
In addition, if my words continue to be of a personal attack on you then, well, you can only do what you have to Craven, and I understand that.
I may not agree with it but, I can understand it, and am trying my best.

Craven de Kere wrote:

I will, however, say that I have not made similar comments about you and really don't have anything of that ilk to say about you.

You see, thats where we differ. If you said I was over reacting or being unreasonable, I would not consider that a personal attack but, I probably would ask you why you thought so and hope to come to an understanding.
If we could.
I dont think that we can and I say, we agree to disagree.
Im good with that, no problem.

Dang it man-its your site, you run it however you want---thats a statement BTW not a slight against you.

Craven de Kere wrote:

Those specific comments did not offend me. But I do think you are bing underhanded with your reaction.

I dont see that, could you explain that to me further please?
Im an not an underhanded person so, I could take great offense to that but, instead I am going to say, I dont get you Craven, could you please let me know what you are saying?

Craven de Kere wrote:

I removed a signature. I apologized for angering Sugar and am met by these insults on both of your parts.

My problem is with your actions, how that was handled.
Its not meant to be insulting, its meant to be a discussion to have possible resolve. Although I dont believe there will be one.
Thats okay, Im good with that.

Craven de Kere wrote:

My point is that you are not affording me a courtesy that I have afforded you. I have not called you names. I have not called Sugar names. I honestly don't really have anything negative to say about either of you. I do, however, disagree with both of your reactions.

I have up that post afforded what I could while trying my best to hold my tongue and while holding my resolve to the best of my ability. I apologize if that isnt sufficient for you, its all Ive got.

I dont see how you are not being afforded a courtesy. This could also be an unable to agree stance, and Im okay with that as well.
Also, Im trying to see how you could construe someone talking outside of this forum as a personal attack on you that you should not have to deal with because you havent said anything about them.
You have done something that they have taken offense to, which usually makes people say things in the heat of the moment, in their own thoughts, etc etc.--if you dont want that kind of thing to bother you, dont read it or dont let it.

We disagree, that is fine. I have tried to see your point, and cannot.

Craven de Kere wrote:

I do not consider that to be a reasonable request nor do I think it's sourced in any concern for courtesy at all.

I suppose your idea of courtesy and my idea of courtesy will continue to be of different natures.
This is okay. All we can do is TRY to understand each other and our positions.

Craven de Kere wrote:

I suspect that nothing less than saying that Sugar was reasonable to equate link removal on a message board to the Holocaust is what you would consider appropriate. I suspect that any mention made of Sugar's multiple insults is objectionable to you.

I've disagreed with Sugar's criticisms and voiced them as publically, if in less vulgar fashion, that either yourself or Sugar.

It's my opinion that I'm making far more of an effort for friendliness than either yourself or Sugar have.

It is my opinion that you are over reacting to the word 'gestapo' in your statement regarding the Holocaust. I find this very peculiar, sad and well I cant even put it into words.
Have you never seen Sienfeld and/or heard of the SoupNazi? I suppose Seinfeld should be held responsible for their equating in the same regard? That is the context in which it was said, and it is very unfortunate that you make such a remark in such a manner.

I would not be looking for you to say Sugar was reasonable, at this point, even if she blaringly was reasonable in her actions, I dont believe you would admit that.
I dont think it would be objectionable to post Sugars email but, that would be hers and I would not post it for her.
You have voiced your critisisms, and we cannot agree on the fact of where you pull those critisisms from is irrelivant, its okay, Im okay with that as well.
You are grouping me above as if I hurled these objectionable insults at you myself, and I find that very rude. Sugar can own up to her own words as i can own up to my own. If you are upset with me for what I have said to you, that is fine, however, I dont believe it is in the same context and you would like to group it as if it was.

You know what my big thing is Craven, not you and Sugar and the little hissy fits the two of you are having over this, although as discussed, I dont agree with it all. Although, Sugar hasnt really said much as of late, it curious you just cant let it go. We agree to disagree and thats all there is to it. You did nothing wrong, Sugar was horrible. I wont agree but, I shall accept that is how you want this to come out in the end. Its okay, Im good with that as well.

I was hoping to find that there would be some way that if there was to be some kind of interference in some way with profiles, sig lines and the like that rather than simply putting it in TOS, if a change is made that perhaps someone on staff could make sure the person so affected would be properly contacted as to such an item. Especially perhaps those people who have been here for a great deal of time and perhaps do not go back in and read TOS because you know, we read that previously, didnt know it changed all that often.
The greatest thing to come of this that I hoped for, I can see will never come because you have become too interested on how you have been personally wounded to see how your actions can effect others.
You have plenty of excuses, no time, rudeness, spammers, great deal of work, etc etc etc but, you cant come to something that makes more sense than how you handled this particular situation. But, heres another excuse, you're quitting because of all of this type of thing so, it doesnt really matter. BTW-excuse is an aweful way to put it, yes, however its not meant to be discriminatory, slightful or negative in anyway, its like a statement of my own opinion that I can already hear you quoting as being the worst thing anyone has every said to you, and I just cant think of another word to help aid your pain in that horrid opinion of mine that Im publically throwing out there for all to see and cause you harm.

And what bears saying can bear repeating:
Dang it man-its your site, you run it however you want---thats a statement not a slight against you again as well.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 06:47 pm
Sorry for my confusion earlier, it comes from seeing the word banning several times but not reading carefully enough. I didn't get it that Sugar didn't get a message with the removal of link saying something in it about banning.

I won't repeat my already stated sympathies.

I will miss Sugar too, if she doesn't come back.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:03 pm
quinn1 wrote:

I dont see that, could you explain that to me further please?
Im an not an underhanded person so, I could take great offense to that but, instead I am going to say, I dont get you Craven, could you please let me know what you are saying?

I can try to explain it. It was a reference to your decision to partake in namecalling, a level of discourse I am not prepared to sink to with you right now.

Its not meant to be insulting, its meant to be a discussion to have possible resolve.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one as I don't really believe you meant to be anything but insulting with that decision. <shrugs>

Also, Im trying to see how you could construe someone talking outside of this forum as a personal attack on you that you should not have to deal with because you havent said anything about them.

I do not understand what you are trying to say here. Could you rephrase it?

You have done something that they have taken offense to, which usually makes people say things in the heat of the moment, in their own thoughts, etc etc.--if you dont want that kind of thing to bother you, dont read it or dont let it.

Quinn, now you are taking me to a comical place. I apologized to Sugar for offending her. This after her episode of namecalling.

Her response then continued to be vulgar and rude.

If you are suggesting I "don't read" insults that are emailed to me....

Or if you are suggesting that I simply disregard insults and not comment on them.....

Either way, I'll have to politely decline. See, I don't think it's fair for you two to both get to call me names and decide whether I should or should not remark on your insults.

We disagree, that is fine. I have tried to see your point, and cannot.

Let me put it in simple fashion.

    1)Removing a link in a signature is not a big deal. 2)It is the prerogative of any site to do so and in the TOS it clearly stated since the very first draft of the TOS that "Able2Know reserves the right to delete, remove, or edit topics that it, in its sole discretion, deems abusive, defamatory, obscene, in violation of copyright or trademark laws, [b]or otherwise unacceptable[/b]". Sugar's drama about the TOS being updated aside, this has [i]always [/i]been a part of the Terms of Service. Those were the terms since the beginning, her use of teh site constitutes acceptance of the terms. 3) I apologized to Sugar for offending her despite her insults. I do not for a minute think that removing the link in her signature was handled the wrong way. 4) It was handled the way every single other members' signatures are handled. Signatures are edited for many reasons to make them comply with the stated rules in the TOS. For the most part this occurs without the, as you say, "hissy fits". 5) No, the moderators do not walk people through it. For the most part the objection is about the restriction itself and personalized notices tend to be little more than an invitation to pull up a chair and bitch about the rule for a bit. 6) Now you may think it's a trivial matter to contact each member on the off chance that they will have a "hissy fit" but it is not. 7) Literally hundreds of links are edited from posts and signatures. Only once in a while will someone act like this is an injustice on the level that Sugar and yourself claim. If we had to pull out the couch and hold each of those members' hands while we did this we would not be able to perform our tasks.

That is why for better or for worse the moderation is not conducted in individual sessions. It's perfunctory and we must reserve the personalization in communication for situations in which it is necessary. Sigs are one of the more trivial issues in moderation.

Now you may not agree with my point but I hope you can at least acknowledge it. You seem very willing to tell me what to do with my time, and I hope you understand my rejection of these overtures.

Now this is my point about Sugar and yourself and your reaction.

    1) Removing the sig was not a travesty. 2) Sugar made like it was a great wrong done to her. 3) Sugar decided to stoop to namecalling. 4) Sugar decided to imply that I would only communicate if motivated by greed, saying that I would only announce things to collect donations. 5) Sugar decided to play the "I donated card". 6) I woke up to this and apologized to Sugar and offered to refund her donation. 7) Sugar responded to my emails with further insults.

I do not think any wrong was done to Sugar. Her signature was edited just like anyone else's would be to make it compliant with the current policy.

I woke up to find her insults and I apologized and offered to refund her donation.

At this point she continued her rudeness and I said as much here. I understood that she was frustrated but that did not justify her desire to **** on me about her damn sig.

I have said as much but have not stooped to the namecalling that both yourself and Sugar indulge in.

Today you decide to join the club and this is the objection I have to both yourself and Sugar's reactions.

I did what I do while maintaining A2K, a perfunctory link removal. You two have decided to take a dump on me for these last few days because of it and I simply find it unreasonable.

I suppose your idea of courtesy and my idea of courtesy will continue to be of different natures.

Yes, for example I don't think taking a few days aside to take a dump on me for editing a signature has anything to do with courtesy.

I would not be looking for you to say Sugar was reasonable, at this point, even if she blaringly was reasonable in her actions, I dont believe you would admit that.

If you would like to make the case that Sugar has acted reasonably I would welcome it. Laughing

You are grouping me above as if I hurled these objectionable insults at you myself

No, I group you together for the common quality of being willing to hurl insults. Both, of course, with your own to share.

Although, Sugar hasnt really said much as of late, it curious you just cant let it go.

Quinn, I will, as I said earlier, decide when to let things go. And I will continue to remark that your penchant for arguing and at the same time telling others to "let go" seems conflicted.

You can't have it both ways Quinn. You don't get to have this "**** on Craven" party and tell me to ignore the insults that you and Sugar hurl.

I was hoping to find that there would be some way that if there was to be some kind of interference in some way with profiles, sig lines and the like that rather than simply putting it in TOS, if a change is made that perhaps someone on staff could make sure the person so affected would be properly contacted as to such an item.

We already went over this particular demand on other people's time and service. To increase the workload so drastically for the few who throw "hissy fits" about link removal is absurd to my mind.

But like I said, if the moderating team wishes to take up this commitment they can make this the policy and do it. I am no longer involved in moderation.

My guess is that they'll continue to expect members to be able to overcome the trauma of link removal without the "hissy fits" and address those types as they arise.

Especially perhaps those people who have been here for a great deal of time and perhaps do not go back in and read TOS because you know, we read that previously, didnt know it changed all that often.

I've said that communication could be better. But I also noted that this particular change was communicated in a place where you had access. That didn't mean you were aware of it.

Jespah said it best. Short of calling each member up there will be laspses in communication.

jespah wrote:
Finally, we've had a problem from Day One with posting announcements of changes that are skimmed if not passed by entirely, making a Terms of Service available that few people read, and a general posting presence that is often ignored. I'm not saying that Sugar has done that but we know that a lot of members have. Short of me calling everyone up and reading the Terms of Service to them, and making sure they all understand it, I don't know how to get that information across. The information is there, and of course I welcome suggestions from everyone re better ways to disseminate it. Thank you.

The greatest thing to come of this that I hoped for, I can see will never come because you have become too interested on how you have been personally wounded to see how your actions can effect others.

Quinn this is bull. I apologized, jespah apologized. I offered to refund the donation she was complaining about. I acknowledged that documentation of the rules could improve and that though I was taxed for time I would make an attempt at it.

If anyone has been too interested in perceived insult I believe it is yourself and Sugar.

Despite apologies explanations and civility you both are incapable of keeping it above the belt and have decided to simply hurl insults and make demands on how the site should be run.

You have plenty of excuses, no time, rudeness, spammers, great deal of work, etc etc etc but, you cant come to something that makes more sense than how you handled this particular situation.

Actually I can. Once again someone else said it best:

Monger wrote:
What if some people tried to demand less of a free website run by volunteer staff, and tried not to impose requirements on the way mods spend their time dealing with these kinds of situations?

Quinn, feel free to continue the "**** on Craven" party. I will continue to address you civilly and tell you that you two are being unreasonable and that stooping to insults makes the obstensible objection on the grounds of consideration and courtesy a sham.

You and Sugar don't seem to burden yourself about either.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:24 pm
Damn ... this is getting harder to follow than a political thread with georgeOB1, blatham, nimh, Scrat, PDiddie, and me. Rolling Eyes <shakes head>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2004 09:29 am
caprice wrote:
Monger: It was JUST a suggestion not a "demand".

My reference to demands was not in regard to what you wrote, caprice, though I was trying to make a point that I think attempting to volunteer people's time for them isn't very thoughtful.

One other thing, I don't get this thread at all. Many here (e.g. craven, jespah, dlowan, etc.) have gone out of their way to point out that, though they might not agree, they "understand" to some degree where this is coming from. Quite simply, I do not.

So a link that used to be okay was edited, and it was in a sig, and get this, it was done without a personal explanation beforehand. What am I missing that explains the drama that's ensued?

That aside, I think Sugar is cool. If she's decided to leave, that's a shame.

Craven de Kere wrote:
Quinn, feel free to continue the "**** on Craven" party. I will continue to address you civilly..

Craven, I do not think that describing Quinn's protests (& insults) as a "**** on Craven party" is exceptionally civil.
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