where is the problem, is it in the mind or in the environment?
when is it in the environment? Just the world, I think---so, personally, I am quelled, and not easily bothered, where is it? I don't watch TV, I don't read the news, I don't occupy myself with facts, I do not listen to the radio, but personal music, I do not listen to music with lyrics, nor other people's music, I do not look at signs at all, I don't read books or magazines usually. Are they sure these problems of the evil demiurge exist outside the world?
Is it just in the mind or is it in the world? Is it in nature at all?
The Sun: I like the sun, and I find when I sit in the sun I am at peace. I have a predicament sort of like Descartes except its real, well his is real but, I spend some part of my day litigating this matter, as best as possible, and then the rest of the day I am at peace, elsewise, in the sun. I see that a Descartian world fails to fight a Constitution. Where is the problem though? And can you do without it?
Humor too though. Is the solution joking about it? maybe.
Revolution yea definitely. But the sun though. too.
I like to go and sit in a church for a long time, and these matters belong to God, I find that they are mostly met by forces outside of our power so (I don't think my litigating has done anything at all unlike other forces--there it was unnecessary waste of time that could have been spent relaxing or sleeping); I'm still a monk. And I rarely entertain greater problems. When I'm not doing something very specific, I am relaxed and not at all occupied or worried or sometimes not even thoughtful, in the sun. That is the Stoic answer without being too intellectual, it seems that's the problem. Descartes solution is to just twiddle his thumbs whatever that really means. I like the sun.
Can a decartian world, problem in, meet the constitution? face to face?