Wendy's? The Wendy's? Yeccccccch?
<sadly shaking head>
Here in WA we still have Tim's Cascade Chips, the best potato chips in the world. (I know, this is apropos of nothing EXCEPT his name is TIM)
Oh, we have those here, very good, I do admit. Possibly to die for, literally, full of salt as they are, which is the way I like them. Crisp, not too greasy, but not deadly dull. Perfect, you know?
Crunch, crackle, brrrr, slurp, snap.
You do? I thought they were strictly PNW.
You think I am not PNW? Sigh....
Well, hmmm, in that old novel, Ecotopia, Northern California was part of the Washington-Oregon axis.
my mistake... mea culpa
I think those chips are the same as ms. Vickies kettle style or something. Havent seen any ms. vickies chips for a while.
Do they use sea salt?
I think that "ol' fashion" style of chips use sea salt, but i could be way off
Dammit - if you canna get Vietnamese food in your neck of the woods, get out of the goddamn woods...
Now I am hungry.....waaaah - I am going out for lunch, but it won't be Vietnamese - and now I WANT it!
i was wondering why i was craving Vietnamese for lunch
one of the many things i love about toronto is that, even in the food court below the tower i work in, i can get good vietnamese and greek, decent italian and japanese (3 different places in less than a 5 minute walk), amazing chinese (the soups are stupendous, and less than $5 canajun for a portion for 2) take-away. Forget about the Wendy's, the line-ups are at Kim's at lunch. Oh, and this little place called Bagel Boys - that has a cook from Guyana, who makes some extraordinary curries. Oooooooh, and in the CP tower - an Indian takeaway that does killer eggplant every day (different varieties each day of the week).
mmmmmmmmm, pho!
k e v i n, miss vickie's is everywhere - you can even get their product at No Frills now.
Oooooooooooh, sounds good! My vietnamese chef friend used to do one fantastic dish after another. Sob. He went back to his Chinese roots, good food but not the complete sublimeness that his Vn cooking was. Besides, he's in Arizona now.
My area has fairly poor restaurants, from a long time foody person's point of view, but really fantastic local ingredients.
Since I can cook ok myself it isn't a reason to move... quite yet. Would like to go to San Francisco area more though, lots of great places there. Paul Bertolli's Oliveto in Oakland, for example. This guy makes his own balsamico, and lots of other things, is very into ferreting out old recipes/procedures. I've eaten there once. Just once. Only once. I could go there again, I could. If I were nearby. Again.
Here -
PB on balsamico, here -