Hey Margo, SCoates scooted back... and he thinks it feels like a family, bickering 'n all.
What do you mean "scooted back?" And what's POQ'ed?
We though you'd shot through like a Bondi tram!
POQ = pissed off quick! (In Oz - pissed off quick means left - probably in a hurry!) (or it often means get angry fast- so you have to work out the context!)
Yeah, plus Scoates and scoots sound good together, don't you think?
ehBeth wrote:Sooooooooo, welcome, Scoates, and come sit down on the sofa with me. I've got tea and timbits.
Do I have to welcome SCoates to? I've only been here 2 weeks...
Welcome anyway SCoates
Welcome Kevin, all things being fair I think SCoates has milked this for all it's worth so I think he should be welcoming you....
Hey Kevin! I thought of you this morning when I read that the St. Lawrence Market has been noted as one of the best markets in the world!
Ceili wrote:Welcome Kevin, all things being fair I think SCoates has milked this for all it's worth so I think he should be welcoming you....
Good one, Ceili.
I'll welcome you though, Kevin. It's nice for the Toronto-ites to have another a2ker in their midst. I wish we'd get some more folks from Seattle.
He has to go back to Oz? Was he very bad? What a punishment extraordinaire!
Itching to get back for a decent feed and some intelligent conversation (not necessarily with me!) - and some other things! (e.g. wife, house, dogs, toys, etc,!)
Bloody lonely in Tronno!
Huh... I thought all of the good markets would be in europe
I think its great that Toronto has a famous market, I just wish I didn't have to go across the city to get to it :wink:
ehBeth wrote:Have a napkin, caprice.
Thank you. Hand over the timbits too!
margo: Didya know that one of the affectionate names for Toronto is hogtown? Use that term in good health!
Margo... how did you know I was left-handed?
Okay... I couldn't stand it, I looked up a timbit. Couldn't find anything.. at least nothing that made sense. Looked up "timbits" and had to go to the second page of Google to find out they are donut holes.
Does this mean there are no donut holes in Oz? That's just sad.
Welcome, Kevin. I must say, I've never been so succesful begging for anything. And I used to be blind and crippled.
SCoates -------- maybe you been hiding your light under a bushel or maybe you need some of those "Last Longer Batteries"
Or maybe you're stuck in the basement.
I spect Margo and the other ladies here will make you a big gooy chocolate cake with WELCOME written on it in icing sugar.
Have phun
Just for you Piffka!
Timbits are the name of doughnut holes sold by the Tim Hortons chain. (Now owned by some yankee outfit...and no longer canuck!