Tue 9 Mar, 2004 03:52 pm
OK....I have a test that is due this Friday! Can you answer these 2 Questions 4 me? thanx!
1) Spore cases found on the undersides of mature fern fronds are called what?
a) sori
b) sporophytes
c) rhizomes
d) pollen tubes
2) Which of the following do liverworts and ferns have in common?
a) springlike for dispersing spores
b) leaflike structures divided into lobes
c) underground stems
d) all of these
3 tips
1) use relevant titles. It helps people find what tehy are interested in. The "HEEEELP MEEE!" screams are common here and tend to be ignored for the longest time.
2) Huge fonts make people who would otherwise be happy to answer your question ignore them.
For example, this would have been displayed on the home page, giving it more exposure. But because of the issues I mentioned above it was removed from the home page.
3) You'll probably get answers after Friday from people who don't like doing homework for students.
A take home test?? With questions THAT easy??? (Unless you're in grade two.)
If igive you the answers, theyd be wrong, so Im gonna save you the embarrassment.
i dont believe in ferns
Cutie, Since you already have the question, and it's multiple choice so you have the answer also, you might just spend a little of your "cool" capital and wander over to that nerdy library and look it up.
Kraven, this is off topic, but where did you get that picture???
I dont know the answers, but i'd guess 2d, and 1b. sry
i agree with Acquiunk, sorry but you dont get any info with a name like cutie_cheerleader
ps i have no clue!! sorry!
Ho all, I need some that could help me understand phisics and metaphisics as well if there anyone that has any idea on those subjects it would help greatly.
Not enough details in your question.
hehe sorry. I would just like to know if anyone could educate me in metaphysics or at least give me some ideas to were i could find such teachings. I understand its a very broad request and I would be grateful for any help.
I would suggest asking your school librarian. Or better yet, take a course!
Metaphysics and physics are two entirely different studies.
I all ready looked into it. Courses are unavailable at the moment, but thanks for the help.