Tue 9 Mar, 2004 10:40 am
Is this man stupid---or too smart to get married?---BBB
Man, 56, to attempt school exams for 38th time
An Indian man who vowed he would not marry until he passed his school exams is about to take them for a record 38th time.
Shivdan Yadav, 56, of Khohari village in Rajasthan, first took - and failed -his exams when he was 18 years old, reports The Pioneer newspaper.
He was so confident of success that he asked his parents to defer his planned marriage to a local girl until after his exams. When he failed, the family of the bride postponed the marriage further "seeing his positive adamance and interest in studies". But when he still hadn't passed the exams three years later, they gave up on him and found another suitable groom.
When he was 20 years old, Mr Yadav took a vow to marry only after he had finally passed the exams. He has regularly sitting for the examinations ever since, but has still not managed to pass.
I've caught you at last! Your signature is completely and utterly incorrect! It IS aerodynamically possible for the bumblebee to fly. Otherwise it couldn't. Think of a helicopter vs an airplane in terms of the shape and size of the body in relation to wing span.
---Twisted Ferret: The Mythbuster---
Twisted Ferrit
Twisted Ferret, you've not caught me at all cause I've known all along it is not scientifically correct. But that's not it's point. Its an inspiring motto, nothing more---and I like it.
Oh, OK. I just thought you were desseminating myths.

Carry on!
ohhhhhh twisted ferret, why did you have to tell me that?? that quote inspired me, that I to might someday spring into the air, now i'm all depressed.