Thanks again Dj, I gathered as much but now then why doesn't everybody do it
I have a feeling however that it requires many more keystrokes, supposing also it's not accessible to services such as 911
As for keystrokes it's remarkable to observe about Americans we're so intrigued by it all that we will put up with almost any inconvenience, the extra keystrokes giving us a feeling of confidence, accomplishment, ability, prowess
Thus Mac's editing-routine writers feel under no duress, giving us the impression they must be savant capable of programming but otherwise having an IQ of 17.5 or less, unable to read or understand the language above 1st-grade, and somehow unfamiliar with qwerty
But speaking of keystrokes, Admin, if it's at all feasible please
please please PLEASE give us a scroll bar in the sub. and ed. windows
Edited to add, and
please PLEASE provide a means to space between words under the BB Code
Oh and if by chance one of Mac's factotums is listening: The spacebar is the long one at the bottom; also on many keyboards it isn't labeled. But do keep at it
Incidentally today I understand your boss will award you a prize if you discover another way to delete the user's entire posting with the single inadvertent keystroke