I've been saying this place sucks for years and I am always right. Robert's mistake has always been ignoring the wishes of the collective which is why A2K members are now more revolting than ever in their attempts to correct this massive injustice. The people will rise up if given enough yeast, and where will Robert find his bread and butter then?
I predict I will be banished from here soon because free speech is too threatening and I am a truth seeker. Robert is controlled by a group of cronies and feminists who are out to hammer men and prove that MEN SUCK. These people and their sex laws have no right in my bedroom which is why I keep my laptop in the kitchen.
The end is near, this site is collapsing, just like my posts when people put me on ignore. As a zen socialist I know the collective will not stand for this and the hamsters will be made into earmuffs when the revolution comes. It's time for Robert to correct the power imbalance and let me control these forums. I demand my freedom and my basic Constitutional right to reject this victim culture before the next unfair attack on me, and every change made to this site is a personal attack on me because people fear hearing the truth, and I always win all debates, and I will not be silenced. I seek justice. It's time A2K chewed instead of sucked and I challenge anyone to refute that argument.