Contraceptive Survey: Who is responsible for providing the contraceptive?

Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 12:17 pm
To avoid destroying the present political thread http://able2know.org/topic/196356-1, I'm opening this thread on determining who is responsible for bringing and using contraceptive in a adult sexual relationship between a consenting male and a consenting woman.

1. the male in the equation is completely responsible for providing the contraceptive(s);
2. the female in the equation is completely responsible for providing the contraceptive(s);
3. both partners are responsible for providing the contraceptive(s);
4. no one is responsible for providing the contraceptive(s). It's all evil.
5. I'm a eunuch, why are you asking me?!
6. I'm a Catholic priest.... I'm taking the fifth amendment here.
7. Other?
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 12:19 pm
You know I'm going with 3.

Actually it's 3. with the emphasis on any partner who doesn't want to get sick or doesn't want to become a parent.

Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 04:45 pm
3 for me too.. but
who doesn't want to get sick or doesn't want to become a parent

Some contraceptives won't stop you from getting an STD. Individuals have to determine what sort of protection they want. It's not hard to imagine a man using a condom with a woman on the pill.
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 06:05 pm
that's why in the thread that started this I talked about using 2 forms of contraception at the same time - my recommendation is condom + something else

condoms are the baseline (IMNSHO)
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 07:03 pm
Cool. I gave up on that thread ages ago.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 07:14 pm
I'm only thinking of the contraceptive part of it.

For me, the person who should be responsible is the one who doesn't want a child.

If if happens to be the woman, if she's not carrying something at that moment, it's her responsibility to not have sex with someone unless the male has something, and uses it.

So, it's not so much a matter of providing it, but making sure it's used one way or the other. I don't care who's got it, as long as one of them do.

Best would be if both people were prepared.

Wouldn't that be a happy event.

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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2012 07:27 pm
7. The initiator. Don't start what you cannot safely finish.

But I heartily endorse chai2's "best if both are prepared".
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Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2012 08:04 am
I’ve been watching the news this morning, they’re now talking about putting condom machines in high schools.

Things sure have changed just since I was in high school.

Give Teens Condoms in High School

Condoms should be made available in high schools for teens who are having sex, says the American Academy of Pediatrics.

"If you look at the number of new cases of sexually transmitted diseases in this country, 25 percent of them are in the adolescent population," says Dr. David Kaplan, chair of the committee that issued the report, released today, the academy's latest to physicians and health educators about adolescence and sexual behavior.

"This is a major public health issue that needs to be addressed," says Kaplan, who also is chief of adolescent medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver.

Condom Distribution Does Not Increase Sexual Activity

The pediatricians say studies show the availability of condoms does not increase sexual activity but can decrease unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.
Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2012 08:11 am
This update is quite refreshing and happily progressive news. Thanks JC.
Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2012 08:52 am
I well recall HS, when you'd be lucky to get condoms and/or the pill IF you could convince your pediatrician that you got really, really bad menstrual cramps. It was snickered about, and the hurdles were high.

And at least one girl in my HS graduated with a baby (there may have been two), out of a class of 400. This was class of 1979, so it was before HIV concerns but who wanted to see a teen with a kid and no diploma?

Good thing that things have changed.

As for who is responsible - both, ideally - but women should recognize that, dollars to donuts, they are hit harder if there is a failure in that department.
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Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 01:41 pm
Both, it is good if the man and the girl use contraception, every man should have a good supply of new up-to date condoms and the girl have her own contraceptive. That way used correctly no one should be sorry
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Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:03 pm
3. This is the 21st century and responsible adults should be able to talk about contraception and/or starting a family.
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:13 pm
Good answer. Smile
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