Polarity Shifting
First off, I would like to say that I am the last person to buy into any type of panic propaganda. While the whole world is up in arms about global warming and the possibility of a nuclear holocaust, of breaking down of the o-zone layer due to excess CO2 caused by car exhaust and what not, I am skeptical of all of it. I personally think in current times, humanity should be growing more humble considering all we are learning about the universe. In fact, personally, I find that the more I learn the less I really know. Therefore, I've turned away from the philosophy of this "transhumanism" (which is so revered by all of the sci-fi nerds on this forum) but more towards the study of morphic fields. In general, the study of energy. This is something I am fairly predisposed to, in light of my fathers profession. He has been a practicing DC for nearly 21 years, a Board certified practician of CRA (Contact Reflex Analysis). His greatest focus, however, is the study-and practice of-the human energy matrix, and re-patterning of it.
The living energy field is generally undisputed. For thousands of years physicians, medicine men, shamans, you name it, have all based their practice on energy. The living spirit of the body. There are three visible perpetual energy fields: mental, physical, and spiritual. Now, obviously the physical field is not physical in it's own right, but it is referred to as such because it is generated by the beating of the heart, and the motion of blood circulation (it is also influenced by the nervous system). But aside from that, these morphic fields change by the condition of their corresponding forces (i.e. physical to physical, mental to mental). Under closer observation, we find that these fields co-exist, and when there is a disruption in one aspect of our field, the rest of the field takes a hit. If a person is seriously depressed we find that their mental and spiritual field have affected the physical field, and the body which creates the fields in the first place. My problem with society today, especially western society is that people, in general, have great misunderstanding of energy, and the impact it weighs on every aspect of life. In the health care systems of America, there is a gross lack of respect for nature and life in general.
My father recently attended a seminar on this subject of polarity shifting. The information he brought back was just incredible. Presenting the seminar were a group of scientist who are paid by the Canadian government to study and investigate the shifting of the poles. They have determined (through tracking of the poles from 1837 to present) that a polar shift occurs every 700,000 years approx.. Though that may give one the impression that this flip occurs gradually, they made it clear that this shift occurs relatively suddenly. To clarify, the climax is happening in our lifetime, and we are seeing it manifest itself into geologic abnormalities, as well as societal abnormalities. Volcanoes are erupting that have not been predicted to erupt for hundreds of thousands of years. These volcanoes erupt, and the volcanologists take magnetic readings of the site in order to determine the current of lava. Cities are evacuated, and when the volcano does erupt, the lava flows away from the route predicted and
back up the mountain. The scientist sit there and scratch their heads. The impact of the shift is also being felt in the animal kingdom as well. This year in particular has been a fairly odd year, in that the reproductive cycles of various species are apparently disrupted. While certain animals attempt to mate out of season, other animals-even during the mating season-are completely ignorant to mating. It's been a very celibate year in the animal kingdom. Erratic weather patterns are also a good indication of abnormality in the fields.
To bring all this to a conclusion... I would like to take the issue back to humanity. Like is said before, humans more than any other species neglect the energies of life. I believe that humanity today is fighting the change. While the rest of the world and nature recognizes the change and adapts, humanity fights it. We fight the apparent forces of the nature and we are so foolish and arrogant as to try and combat them. Look to the sky and you'll see trails of chemicals. We spray our artificial compounds into the atmosphere with hopes of reversing the effects of global warming (which I believe is nothing more than a speculation anyway). On an individual level, some people are more in tune with the universal morphic fields than others. Some people are more sensitive to the change, and we refer to these people as "unwinders". It is speculated that about 20 percent of the human population falls under this title, and I myself am one of those people. You may be one of these people if you feel depressed, and don't know why. Personally, I feel that I have control over nothing. I feel like I have no control of the direction of my life, and nothing I do can make any difference. I feel deep down that something is just not right. It's a very unsettling feeling, and it is true, something is not right. But we've been finding that these people go through a period of depression, just like mine, and come out of it just as fast feeling much better about life. It's about humility really, and acceptance of the change. Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't agree with that, and the rest of the world fears change. I'm pretty confident that most of the international conflicts today are a result of this magnetic disturbance. I have the supreme source on that information but it's way to unbelievable for me to be able to explain in this post, but I'll give you a hint: I asked a pendulum.