I've already made plans for a big party for my wake.... one that will reflect my personality and send people away laughing so the thought strikes me.... I can't be the only one who doesn't want his death, funeral, wake etc. to be a somber, stuffy experience so.... how about a theme wake Event planner? It could be a money maker
what's the matter with a preacher you never met talking about things you didn't believe in and messing up your name like the rest of us...?
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Sun 2 Sep, 2012 12:06 pm
I like the concept of happy funerals, although I have wept almost uncontrollably during most I have attended. A friend of mine was so convinced he was about to enter Heaven, he requested of his family a joyful ceremony, and they were positively radiant when he was planted in the church graveyard. I was my normal weeping self, however. Anyway, the concept could make someone a successful career.
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Sun 2 Sep, 2012 12:16 pm
Are you thinking about a funeral home exclusively for assholes and some sort of a generic "One Less Asshole for Us to Deal With" celebration funeral? I mean, it's never been done before and there could easily be big money in it.
Sounds good to me....mind you, you'd need to be extremely versatile and non-judgmental! Lots of folk are going to want Celine Dion and pink balloons and angels and suchlike horrors.
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Sun 2 Sep, 2012 04:42 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I've already made plans for a big party for my wake.... one that will reflect my personality and send people away laughing so the thought strikes me.... I can't be the only one who doesn't want his death, funeral, wake etc. to be a somber, stuffy experience so.... how about a theme wake Event planner? It could be a money maker
I have never really understood the fascination to treat a dead body in such a way. I know funerals are for the living as a way of coping but it is still silly to me. Both my mother and father when they passed did not have funerals (their choice). I think it is a silly custom.
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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 10:16 am
Sounds like a great theme for your home town, Gunga.
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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 10:18 am
New Orleans funeral for me all the way, baby.
Clowns, animal balloons, bubble machines, great jazz, BBQ, beer, and stand-up comedy.
Actually, I should probably just plan all of that stuff before I kick it, so that I can enjoy it, too.
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Mon 3 Sep, 2012 10:23 am
DrewDad wrote:
New Orleans funeral for me all the way, baby.
Clowns, animal balloons, bubble machines, great jazz, BBQ, beer, and stand-up comedy.
My sentiments exactly. One of the icons of New Orleans music recently passed. He attended his first wake before he died. Mr B was there and found it a bit morbid but I think it's a great idea. A couple weeks later word of his passing spread via twitter, etc and spontaneous second lines broke out. Official services were interrupted by significant rain events but that just meant the party lasted longer.
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Tue 4 Sep, 2012 10:13 am
My family and I talked about having me stuffed and putting different costumes on me for holidays. I love the plan..... alas...it's illegal. Dammit.
Full-size cardboard figures are perfectly legal, though.
You (well... they) could even play "pin the scarf on the mic stand."
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Tue 4 Sep, 2012 11:11 am
Of course it would be a really great idea...and i hope everyone agrees to it and this trend continues though i think there might be some who would really oppose it..but as far as my opinion is concerned i would really appreciate it!!
0 Replies
Tue 4 Sep, 2012 11:51 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
My family and I talked about having me stuffed and putting different costumes on me for holidays.
I love the plan..... alas...it's illegal. Dammit.