Tue 21 Aug, 2012 01:13 pm
By LINDA A. JOHNSON AP posted: 11:14 AM 08/20/12
"Drug companies including Pfizer, Merck &Co. and Bristol Myers-Squibb Co. are
trying a new tactic to temporarily slow the loss of billions of dollars in sales to new generic competition that flood the market, costing just a fraction of the brand-name drug's price, even though they're chemically identical.
Pfizer's Lipitor For You coupon program, for example, absorbs up to $75 of the patient's out-of-pocket cost. Insured patients pay only $4 a month, unless their copayment is higher than $79 a month. Uninsured patients get the $75 off each prescription and then pay the remaining $100 or so. But its only for private insurance, not Medicare or other government health insurance."
I read somewhere that the FDA budget was cut and can't do all the investigations they once did -- relying, more and more, on drug company's own testing honesty.
Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Pain 1737 - 1809
I won a lawsuit against Astrazeneca ( alias ass stroke zeneca ) Is it a surprise to you that drug companies are poisoning people while bankrupting the country? Obama is stoned, if he thinks the drug companies can be trusted, they already are sodomizing us like the British Ass Stroke Zeneca. Trusting pharmacy companies is like allowing a fox to guard the chickens. Did you know that with modern meds, mental health consumers are dying 25 years sooner than others in America. There is no proof psych medications extend life. If they do not extend life, and they cost 5000 dollars per year per unemployed disabled person, then why not save the 5000, but that won't work, Pfizer owns the senate.
Hello Friends,
"Drug companies including Pfizer, Merck &Co. and Bristol Myers-Squibb Co. are trying a new tactic to temporarily slow the loss of billions of dollars in sales to new generic competition that flood the market, costing just a fraction of the brand-name drug's price, even though they're chemically identical. Pfizer's Lipitor For You coupon program, for example, absorbs up to $75 of the patient's out-of-pocket cost. Insured patients pay only $4 a month, unless their copayment is higher than $79 a month. Uninsured patients get the $75 off each prescription and then pay the remaining $100 or so. But its only for private insurance, not Medicare or other government health insurance." Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it. The first large and comprehensive study of the genetics of a common lung cancer has found that more than half the tumors from that cancer have mutations that might be treated by new drugs that are already in the pipeline or that could be easily developed.
Best Regards,
Romen Esko