Sell Your Old iPhone: The iPhone 5 Is Coming ???

Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 12:13 pm
Sell Your Old iPhone: The iPhone 5 Is Coming
by Jason Gilbert - Huffington post

If you believe the veritable hordes of anonymous sources and "insiders with knowledge of the situation" who have been whispering in the ears and inboxes of nearly every tech blogger on the planet, the iPhone 5 is scheduled for release in mid-to-late September. The generally-reliable folks at Apple blog iMore have pegged the specific release date as Friday, Sept. 21, a date that, if correct, not only represents National Miniature Golf Day, but also the day on which many Americans will attempt to sell their old iPhones online in order to make way for the shiny new one while grabbing some cash back in the process.

But if you are looking to sell your current iPhone, and you wait for the new iPhone to actually hit shelves, you're probably losing out on a good deal of money. Nothing illustrates the money you're leaving on the table by waiting like a good old-fashioned line graph, and Gazelle.com, an electronics website that buys old gadgets, has released just that: an informative chart that should make you think twice about holding on to your previous-generation iPhone for too long.

Here's Gazelle's graph, which tracks the average price the site paid users for an iPhone 4 in the weeks leading up to the release of the iPhone 4S; this year's price movements should mirror last year's, as Gazelle accepts iPhone 4S trade-ins in the weeks leading up to the "iPhone 5" announcement:

iphone 4 value gazelle

Now, there are several things that potential iPhone sellers should note here (and from other, similar charts).

First, the iPhone 4S was announced on Oct. 4: After that date, the price declined steadily, but not dramatically.

Second, the iPhone 4S was released on Oct. 14: After that date, the price declined steadily, but, again, not dramatically.

Third -- and most importantly for someone trying to maximize resale value -- the most drastic price dive occurred not on the announcement date, nor on the release date, but instead on the rather innocuous Sept. 21, 2011. Know why? That's the day that Wall Street Journal-affiliated blog All Things Digital reported that the next iPhone would be unveiled by Tim Cook on Oct. 4. Because AllThingsD is such an especially reputable source for Apple news, and because reporter John Paczkowski was able to give a definitive date as well as event details, prices for old iPhones began to plummet, losing $70 in trade-in value in about 10 days. From a peak of over $250 in the days leading up to the AllThingsD reveal, an iPhone 4 fetched just about $185 on the day Apple announced the iPhone 4S (and it didn't go on sale, remember, until Oct. 14, at which point it was down to about $165 in trade-in value).

That precipitous decline in trade-in prices for the iPhone 4S hasn't occurred quite yet, Gazelle's Chief Gadget Officer Anthony Scarsella said in a telephone interview: A 16GB AT&T iPhone 4S in good condition still fetches $277 on Gazelle, or more than enough to defray the initial cost of buying a 16GB AT&T iPhone 5 when it becomes available next month. Though well-respected news outlets, including Reuters, Bloomberg, The New York Times, and -- yes -- All Things Digital, have reported that Apple is expected to hold an event the week of Sept. 11, iPhone sellers are apparently waiting for a more concrete announcement, which could come any day now.

Scarsella assumes that the bottom will fall out of these inflated iPhone prices near the beginning of September, or about two weeks before Apple's iPhone event and three weeks before the actual release; that's in line with when prices started falling last year. Keep in mind, too, that on many gadget trade-in sites you can lock in your price for weeks: On Gazelle, an offer is valid for 30 days, while on NextWorth, you have 21 days to actually mail in your iPhone. That means you can claim the value of your phone and then hold on to it for a while before you actually say goodbye and put your old mobile in the mailbox. Any smart seller will lock in their price as soon as they can, because the amount of money that Gazelle, NextWorth, eBay and the Amazon marketplace will be willing to offer for an iPhone 4S will only be decreasing over the next several weeks.

Though you'll want to ship away your current iPhone as quickly as possible for maximum cash, there are obvious hurdles you'll have to overcome, too. First, we won't definitively know the iPhone event's date until Apple officially announces it, and once Apple does announce it, resale value will go down; that's a fair amount of guesswork, and a lot of faith you'll have to put on those anonymous sources and whispering insiders. Second, you can't know when the iPhone will be available at your local store: What if supplies are extremely constrained, and it's a month before the "iPhone 5" is in stock? And, third: How can you know if you'll even like the next iPhone before you've seen it or know what it's capable of?

And yet, if you really are serious about semi-blindly committing to the next iPhone while also reaping in cash-money from a re-sale of your old iPhone, you should start devising your game plan now. A few questions to ask: Do you have an old cellphone that you can pop your iPhone's SIM card into for a few weeks? How long can you go without a smartphone? When do you estimate you'd be able to actually obtain the new iPhone, given a release date of Sept. 21? The answer to those questions will largely determine just how soon you'll be able to sell off your old iPhone, and thus how much money you'll be able to get for it.

As Anthony Scarsella of Gazelle reiterated to me several times over the course of our phone call, the earlier you trade in your iPhone, the better. In other words: Sell it today, if you can, and if not today, then tomorrow. If you're going to be one of the tens of millions who upgrade to the iPhone 5 this September, why not see if you can turn a profit on your purchase?

For more, check out the Wall Street Journal on why now is the best time to sell your iPhone:
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,425 • Replies: 6
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Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2012 05:25 am
lolss, the idea is good enough but what about the period between we sold our old ones and buy new i5? we will be living without iphone , that is not possible.
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2012 10:25 am
Apple just loves comments like that.
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Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2012 11:54 pm
why not just keep it until someday you can collect the full iphone product line. You probably will not get much from selling your used iphone.
Reply Tue 28 Aug, 2012 11:26 am
Apple's Patent Win Could Alter Landscape Of Smartphone Industry
August 25, 2012
by Steve Mullis - NPR

Banners advertising Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S III and Apple's iPhone 4S are displayed at a store in Seoul, South Korea.

The dust has yet to settle on Apple's patent lawsuit victory Friday over electronics rival Samsung. Samsung has said it will ask the court to overturn the verdict, which would award Apple more than $1 billion in damages. But if that's unsuccessful, Samsung will likely appeal.

"This decision should not be allowed to stand because it would discourage innovation and limit the rights of consumers to make choices for themselves," Samsung lead lawyer John Quinn told The Associated Press.

Whether that proves true or not, the verdict sends a message through the smartphone industry that other manufacturers will need to rethink their designs to be less Apple-like or risk legal repercussions, as NPR's Wendy Kaufman reports on Weekend Edition Saturday:

"While this verdict applies only to Samsung, other companies have also borrowed liberally from Apple. They're now on notice that if Apple sues them, they might well lose. So they had better change their products."

And Wendy said those changes will likely affect customers, too, particularly if device-markers decide they need to tinker with what are now routine smartphone features. Analyst Charles Golvin of Forrester Research gave Wendy one example: the pinch-and-zoom function that helps users navigate and read small screens:

"This is something that everybody knows how to do now. But all of Apple's competitors have to figure out a way to let consumers do that zoom, but do it in a different way, and that's going to be disruptive to those customers."

Robert W. Dickerson Jr., a lawyer who is the head of the West Coast intellectual property practice for Dickstein Shapiro, a patent law firm not involved in the Samsung-Apple case, told The New York Times that:

"Companies in the future are going to have to consider how much they want their product to look and feel like their competitors' products in terms of shape, size, the way it feels, the way it looks, how the icons are similar, or will the icons be quite dissimilar."

Additional fallout could come in the form of what the Wall Street Journal calls the Apple tax. Competing device makers would have to license the technologies Apple sought to protect in the suit, which would add to the manufacturing cost of those products.

That additional cost could eventually find its way to consumers, writes the Journal's Spencer E. Ante:

"During the trial, Apple executives testified that the company was willing to license some of its patents to Samsung. In October 2010, Apple offered to license its portfolio of patents to Samsung provided the Korean company was willing to pay about $30 per smartphone and $40 per tablet. ...

"The verdict doesn't necessarily mean that consumers will end up shelling out more for devices from Samsung or other makers of Android devices that use similar Apple technologies. The potential extra cost could be swallowed in part by manufacturers or wireless carriers. However, [IDC analyst Al Hilwa] said that 'in the end I think the consumer will pay more.' "

Though not involved in the lawsuit, Google was also a target. Its popular Android operating system powers many smartphones in the marketplace, including Samsung's. If other makers of cellphones fear lawsuits from Apple, they could shy away from choosing Android to power their phones, as another Journal story notes:

"'It has got to create some concern for that ecosystem,' Baird analyst William Power said. 'The legal risks are bound to make a manufacturer think twice.' "

Aside from Apple, another big winner in the case could turn out to be Microsoft, according to Mashable's Peter Pachal. Microsoft's Windows Phone, produced by partner Nokia, has a distinctly different look and feel than the iPhone and this might be Microsoft's opportunity to gain some market share.

"Windows Phone is extremely attractive, particularly now. With the launch of Windows 8, Microsoft will unite its desktop/tablet and phone operating systems with shared code. That means it's going to be incredible easy for developers to make apps that work across all Windows machines. Windows Phone also has a clear hardware leader in Nokia, so other manufacturers will never have to worry about being the only one carrying the torch.

"On top of that, the OS is actually good. Windows Phones are generally well reviewed by both influencers and consumers. Criticisms generally focus on the lack of support for better hardware, but Windows Phone 8 will change that. True, its app catalog is nowhere near as robust as iOS's or Android's, but that gap could close quickly with the boost it gets from Windows 8 developers."

Nokia, having been in the cellphone business for a time, also has its own portfolio of patents to protect itself.

A preliminary followup hearing on injunctions based on the verdict is scheduled for Sept. 20. And considering that some of the Samsung phones that were found to infringe on Apple's patents are already on the market, The Verge says "it's possible that we could see sales bans as a result of the next hearings."
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Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 12:50 am

(Reuters) - A group of German hackers claimed to have cracked the iPhone fingerprint scanner on Sunday, just two days after Apple Inc launched the technology that it promises will better protect devices from criminals and snoopers seeking access.

Reply Mon 26 May, 2014 04:33 am
Believe it or not, it is incredibly easy to get personal information from an old phone even you have reset all settings to manufacturer default settings.

So if you want to sell your old android phone, the first thing you shoud do is to erase everything on it permanently and keep your personal data safety.

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