On one hand his wife's new reality show which is going to be aired starting in September. She could've been trying to drum up publicity for the show by provoking him. Then, on the other hand, he could still be the butthead he was in college days with his inability with handling his anger management.
Call me an old softy, but why would hit your wife with your head? Why would hit your wife, or anyone's wife, with any part of your body? What the hell is wrong with some people? I used to think of him as an immature attention-whore. Now I think of him as a uncivilized human who didn't know when he was well off.
Either way, the rookie Dolphins coach pulled the plug on him rather than risking loss of control of his team before the season started. Last week, Chad behaved badly in a press interview dropping the F-bomb and talking about his possible future in pornographic movies. Thereafter the coach warned him to clean up his act or be gone. He be gone now.