Quote:But for a more complete picture, a picture that takes into account the potential of the human animal, we must go beyond the "anthropological" perspective to include the genius of the individual philosopher and artists of all sorts.
But how exactly do these geniuses become known? Is it because they have extraordinary minds, that some individuals excel above the average?
It might seem so if we consider that the fact that we have electricity is largely thanks to the discoveries of a handful of people.
But from another perspective, it seems fair to say that hadn't Faraday or Maxwell done the work they did, it would have been done by someone else. Maybe not at that time, perhaps decades later, but the discoveries would have been made.
In this sense, we are a lot like the ants. Ants go everywhere, leaving little signatures for other ants to follow. Signals that are followed more than others become stronger, because every ant that follows it adds to it. It is really only the collective effort that matters in this context. No individual ant is capable of surviving alone.