Wed 11 Dec, 2002 09:35 am
I've had two bad days with hotmail, it's slow as molasses and it keeps booting me out with error messages. Is anyone else having issue with their h.m. acct?
And... as if it felt my wrath and ire, I just now got back in!
No, I haven't had any trouble with yahoo mail in two years.
littlek-Not here. My hotmail has been fine. Are you going over your quota?
Grrr, it tells me that the server that my acct is on is having difficulties. I'm not even at 50% of my quota.
I wish that I liked Yahoo's set-up, I do have an acct over there (I have prolly a dozen email accts....)
got yet another acct at myway! Looks cool! I feel like I'm tied to hotmail, myself. Maybe I should just make the change....
Thanks Phoenix!
No problems on HM, Y, or my broadband
Hi little k --
Perhaps the 'server' that they are referring to is your ISP's server. Who is your Internet Service Provider? Are you using a dial-up connection, or are you on cable?
P&L, Nah, it's not my ISP, I have cable and they say...
Account Temporarily Unavailable
We apologize, but your account is temporarily unavailable. This delay does not affect the entire site or relate specifically to your account, but the machine that holds your account information is temporarily unavailable. We do not expect this delay to last much longer, so please continue to check our site for your account status......
i had trouble this afternoon with hotmail Lilk, only lasted a few minutes, same with msn. i went in through the back door tho...
I can't get into hotmail at all this evening.
But is verra cool! I have a whole bermuda theme going on.
This is amazing. My attbi account is out. And even A2K blipped off the screen for a moment. Maybe it IS my computer?
I lost A2K for about 15 minutes tonight, but had no problem with Hotmail. I just think it's the internet ghosties -- they like to play tricks on us just to make us crazy (and they do a very good job of it, too).
Oddly enough, just went to Hotmail (since I couldn't get back here again) and got in with no problem and then went 'home' and checked my local ISP mailbox and while there I got a message popup from Hotmail telling me there was a problem (even though I wasn't even there any more). Spooky! The internet imps have been very busy tonight.
I just got A2K as a scattered page - know what I mean?
This is really, really weird. I just posted another post cause I got booted from my A2K mailbox to the login page and had to log in again to get back here. Things are very, very strange on the internet tonight.