You won't believe how tall this tree is - and the ivy appears to go pretty much to the top. I was worried it would strangle the tree and then the tree were to die and fall on our house.
I began trying to cut some of the roots, but they were so big and thick that my husband got involved. We were cutting and pulling up roots all over - damn those things were thick and strong.
Then hubby tried grabbing some of the vines to pull them off the tree, he began swinging on them (not on purpose) - he almost went slamming back into the tree trunk. My daughter came out to take pictures - I was really hoping she was filming so I could put on utube when he ended up being sent to hospital with a concussion or something. Fortunately he didn't - unfortunately she wasn't filming, only taking pictures.
The vine is still hanging from the tree - ivy win/hubby lose.