Reply Mon 9 Jul, 2012 09:28 pm
What is wrong with parents deciding where they want their children to be educated? Plenty!

Well the extreme is why not just let children be educated in religious terrorists training camps? Why not let people who have killed abortion doctors over freakish religious ideologies be our children's teachers? Why not pedophile priests? Why not Jewish extremists and Muslim radicals? Why not? The answer is, to prevent constant holy (unholy) war...

And what of this resurgence of the idea of segregating children by sex? Well boys are too preoccupied when being educated because girls are around. This idea is disgustingly sexist!

And what of homosexual boys being educated with straight boys? What of Jew being educated with Muslims and so forth? What of racial segregation? How far would we splinter our unity as a country for the sake of religious idiocy?

This is the purpose of separation of church and state to avoid radicalizing the general populace to the point where they can no longer communicate. "Confusion of tongues..." Where religion sets up sexual barriers, intellectual barriers, religious barriers, racial barriers, social barriers and so on.

I am reminded of the 9/11 terrorists. They came here to teach the west a religious “moral” lesson about our apathy towards god. So what did these pious terrorists do? The night before they blew themselves up they went to strip clubs and watch strippers hump poles. How holy! They did not pray all night to Allah, (as the Hollywood movie depicted them doing) they did the very thing that they accuse the general population of Americans of doing. Most Americans don't got to strip clubs...

I am gay (as most people on this forum know). I don't go to strip clubs. I will tell you a story... I live in a city where we have a few gays bars. One of them is quite large and was at one time owned by a lesbian. Well we all thought she was a bit way out at the time. Well, she had a guy come and and hold karaoke every Sunday night. This was a chance where the LGBT community could meet up and sing poorly and fraternize with one another. Well the bar got sold... The new owner brought in boys wearing jock straps, dancing around poles in cages and wearing leather straps for clothes etc... karaoke was canceled, the LGBT community was broken up and replaced with a bunch of shallow, always horny and disgusting crack head freaks.

Since this I have not been out to this bar in over three years. (I am getting to the charter schools part)

My point is that these terrorists did not know how to handle this social decadence of stripper bars and sex fiend lifestyle. Where me, who has grown up around it, know this was and is clearly not what I am. Having the freedom taught me this was not right for me. I find it denigrating and insulting to the proud LGBT community. Just as I find strip joints denigrating to the heterosexual community. The thing is, even the gays who go out to lick jello shots off a 21 year old crack heads abs usually only do it on the weekends. Why not every night? Only the radical sex freak fanatics do this every night and most of the LGBT community could care less to ever step into this type of low life bar... And, the men and women who frequent and work at hetero stripper bars are just as freakish and low. Like Columbine, not all Americans drive around with gun racks in their trucks and talk like hillbillies... Only the freaks do this...

Should these bars be shut down? No. The schools should be place that teach a better way through higher learning and goal oriented lifestyles for all kinds of people.

(My gay experience in the boy scouts.)
I was eleven years old. I am sure my mom knew I was gay, probably more so that I myself realized it.

My mother was active in the congregational church. She (and I) sung in the choir for many years. She cooked church suppers and donated her time “on weekends and evenings” to whatever the church had going on at the time. On weekdays I went to a secular public school. The problem at the time was the small town I lived in had at least 12 churches in a town of barely a thousand people. The school principle was a minister at one of these churches and many of the teachers were part of these various religions. Although their religion never seemed to overlap into our school's curriculum their holy roller religion and its quirks were not that far removed.

I was going through puberty and beginning to realize I had always been attracted to the same sex and namely what sex was. No one was there to teach me sex etiquette. This was before sex education. My education on sex was zero other than my mother accepted me.

The boys in my school were also going through puberty. The girls did not seem to be having the same difficulties that the boys were having, perhaps they masked it better. I was best friends with the smartest boy in my class. Even though I scored highest on my IQ test he seemed to always score better than me on other tests. His handwriting was perfect. He was my only male friend and was only my friend when the other boys were not around.

The girls seemed so much more friendly... So I played with them. It started out with patty cake, and Jacobs ladder and then we became jump rope and kick ball pals. I had so much fun with the girls, they loved and laughed with me and I loved them like my own flesh and blood. All the while the boys stood round with their hand in their pockets too afraid to even walk up and speak to a girl. Perhaps they envied me. I know many of them hated me. Those of the boys who were overweight or felt unattractive, or the school prima donna could attack me to score points (so they thought). Perhaps my dad knew the hard life ahead of me and made me build stone walls and dig gardens even as a young boy. He worked me and my family every vacant moment. Maybe he was just old fashioned and believe in making the best of life.

So when the boys decided to beat up on me they found themselves in peril because I could defend myself. Even in my later years I was stronger than the captain of the varsity basketball team. He could do five one handed pushups I could do eleven even though I oped out of sports due to homophobic coaches. It is true, adversity does make us stronger.

I was punched, kicked, had rocks and snowballs thrown at me, had people sneak up behind me and box my ears. In grammar school we had boxing as a sport. The principle of my school put me up against a left paw who stood a whole foot above me. He punched me in the face so hard he knocked me out. When I woke up I was still gay and still hated so much about my school. Maybe even more so.

I like to think that when my class mates recollect back on me they admire me now and don't feel the same way. That they have thought back and found it in their hearts to love me for standing up for who I was and still am. Perhaps they admired me then and did not really know how to understand that because the teachers and principles were oblivious to LGBT (and many other) concerns.

What did this do to me? No one seems to calculate that. I think it stunted my growth. I am almost 50 years old and still get carded for cigarettes and alcohol. I was once on a prefect natural path and was soon derailed and distracted from my life's calling. I still feel like I am in my teenage years trying to mature. I was not permitted to grow up. Not because of the children but because of the few rotten teachers. Like a bonsai tree trying to spread its roots around an impenetrable rock. Maybe I should thank them for sustaining my youth. I have lately been wondering if it is time for me to finally grow up...

I digress... back to the boy scouts part of the story. It just so happened that my boyscout leader was also our minister at the congregational church. No separation of church and state there. My mother begged the scout leader to let me in a year early. So I was admitted (like Jesus) at 11 years old rather than 12. Our scout meetings were held at the church youth center. The very same building where I was taught as a child that Jesus love all the little children red, yellow, black and white (apparently not LGBT though). The same building where (on weekends and some evenings) I sung with the children's choir, “climb climb up sunshine mountain.” Well it was my first night in the scouts, I was all dressed up in my new uniform and I stepped up the stairs to the big meeting room. I felt big and proud. I opened the door and the entire troop stood in the corner of the room and when I waked up to greet them I did not perceive they had their hands full of crayons. Where was the scout leader? Mysteriously absent. They were bits and fragments of broken crayons. They would never have thought of this on their own. They all at once pelted me with the crayons. Many of them hit me in the face and they burned and stung like many bees. I fell to the ground in shock and cried. Then the scout leader, our minster, walked into the room. When I stood up and came to my senses... I was still gay.

I stuck it out though, I am not a quitter and never will be. I earned my merit badges one after another, the one I was most proud of was my citizenship badge.

I learned to sleep in tents out in the bitter cold Canadian winter. On one occasion it was morning and we were all summoned to stand in formation outside the scout leaders tent. The scout leader stepped out of his tent, in his underwear only. He had a slender attractive build and looked sort of like Cat Stevens with a slightly hairy chest. I was still in my puberty yet this did excite me. I am not sure if my eyes bugged out or what but I know we were all at attention and I did hold my composure. He looked over at me and in front of the whole troop said looking straight at me something to the effect of, “Does this turn you on and said my name?” and he said it in a hateful, snide and flamboyant way...

I did not really know what to say. I know of at least five of the other scouts turned out to be bisexuals or gay in later life. How do I know? Because they made passes at me and I turned them all down. Even my best friend from school made passes at me that I turned down. He assumed just because I was gay I was easy... I was made the fool of fools.

Did it make the scout leader feel bigger about himself doing this to an 11 year old?

The problem was not putting me a gay adolescent with straight (mostly bi actually) adolescents, the problem was having religious homophobic teachers and guides who did not know how to keep peace and teach acceptance and love.

What if a woman with no bra had stepped out of the tent? Had all the boys eyes opened up big should they have been chastised as I was in front of their peers as if their sexual preference was somehow wrong? Should children be chastised when they see other naked children and people in a National Geographic magazine and laugh? No... Should they be shamed?

I am against segregating children on a sexual basis or even a handicapped basis generally. But I am for segregating religious teachers from exposing children to their homophobia and hate.

I read a news article yesterday about Middle Eastern Islamic dignitary who went to Germany and thought it was right to force himself on several women. Then he thought to use his diplomatic immunity privileges to try and get away with this. On another note, then there are the men who are raised sexually segregated in Sweden who think it is right to rape lesbians. They think that will make them straight. Again I reflect on the 9/11 bombers who came to America to moralize us by going to strip joints the night before they offer their unclean minds up to their mythological unscientific god... These same types of religiophobe “Christian” counterparts publish hateful literature against allowing gay kids in schools, climb to the top of our political system only to themselves be arrested for playing footsies with undercover cops under the stalls in filthy dirty men's bathrooms.

What they need to see is a gay eight year old male child playing jump rope with the girls... It is okay to be nice and friendly with people. It is both a healing and a learning experience. Boys and girls need to grow up together in love and kindness together. So ideologically bound men are not stoning woman for adultery while the men stand around laughing... because they are too afraid to be themselves too. They laugh while something inside dies. Laughter often reveals weakness. Racism is often concealed within laughter too.

This brings me specifically to the subject of charter schools. I think all "week day" charter schools should be outlawed/banned. They clearly violate our constitution of separation of church and state.

What is wrong with parents deciding where they want their children to be educated? Plenty!

It radicalizes children to the point where they can no longer function as productive citizens. They set out to erode LGBT rights, they try to dictate woman’s health issues as if they, according to their false god, feel they have a right to. No more than woman have a right to decide certain men's issues based upon religious folklore. Once married that is different, in that case a mutual pledge of monogamy has been undertaken.

Why are our schools failing? Why are children not being educated successfully like other countries? Because the lines of church and state have been blurred in the US. Take the minister out of the boy scouts and put a secular ethical person there and children will be capable of learning. The evil is in the religious minds not the children. We are born innocent... This is why children have the weekend off... Not necessarily so they can sit and watch cartoons for two days. But, so their parents can indoctrinate them with their own brand of silliness. At least they have five days of real education rather than a full week of mumbo jumbo snake handling crap.

Take Ireland for example. They had terrible wars there between two religious factions. Why? Because the religious took over both sides of the school curriculum when neither should have been allowed to dominate the school week. Most of Islam suffers from this plague too.. If parents want to indoctrinate their children with this silliness they have all weekend and every day after school to try and undo simple science if it floats their idiotic boat. If they really want to impede their child’s chances at becoming productive and caring citizens they can bombard their minds with this religious junk after school and on weekends. Charter schools have broken and crumbled the America constitutional tablets and torn the fabric of society. Muslim charter schools, where women were burkas in 110 degree weather because they have no right to wear something more practical. Religion becomes so prevalent that fear trumps even the most basic of simple common sense. The school becomes a hot bed for judgments based upon a barbaric book of senseless laws and rank stupidity. Free the teachers mind from religious tyranny and bigotry, let the children grow up in love and acceptance of one another. Only then is true learning possible for all. I could go on about this subject. I have said my peace for now...
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 03:15 am
Consider do we want religious people (Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Pentecostals etc...) deciding public school curriculum? Nooooo!


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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 04:41 am
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 05:19 am
Victims of Abuse Urge Vatican to Shut Down Legion of Christ Schools
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 06:15 am
Charter schools aren't the answer to state's education problems

Read more here:
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 06:15 am
Charter schools aren't the answer to state's education problems

Read more here:
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 07:42 pm
The core of yourself is still whole no matter what fragmenting has gone on around it.
~ Gangaji
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:05 pm
I think you're confusing charter schools with parochial religious schools. Charter schools are not religious-oriented even when they're actually operated by a religious organization. By law, as long as they are being supported by tax $$$, they may not teach anyparticular religious creed any more than apublic school could.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:26 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:

I think you're confusing charter schools with parochial religious schools. Charter schools are not religious-oriented even when they're actually operated by a religious organization. By law, as long as they are being supported by tax $$$, they may not teach anyparticular religious creed any more than apublic school could.

charter school 
an autonomous public school created by a contract between a sponsor, as a local school district or corporation, and an organizer, as a group of teachers or a community group, often with a curriculum or focus that is not traditional.

I am referring to both charter and parochial schools. A charter school is just a Bush era loophole where religious conservatives masquerade as teachers. Don't be fooled... Very few Charter schools are legit and the ones that are are being closed by conservative governors...
Lustig Andrei
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:29 pm

So what's this silly furor about 'unconstitutional'?
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:49 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:


So what's this silly furor about 'unconstitutional'?

Schools should teach science not religion...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 08:58 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:


So what's this silly furor about 'unconstitutional'?

Separation of church and state. Bush initiated policies that allow tax payer money to be funneled to charter schools. This is a smoke screen so the tea party can with their big business money start schools that teach (indoctrinate) their brand or religious ideologies while they are depriving public school teachers of fair if not reasonable pay...
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 09:05 pm

a reminder

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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 09:29 pm
No child left un-indoctrinated...
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Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2012 11:50 pm
"Additionally, school districts sometimes permit corporations to manage chains of charter schools." Wikipedia

Sound constitutional? Want corporations educating your children? Want Walmart, The Koch's, The Boy Scouts, [corporations (religions) are people too] non transparent entities etc... and their anti LGBT, anti woman's rights, anti science, anti environment and let's not forget racist agendas "managing" large chains of schools? The truth is these schools are not managed by soccer moms and granola heads but by the elite and deranged factions of our society.
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Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 12:19 am
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Reply Wed 11 Jul, 2012 02:22 am
Shift from progressive to conservative movement
Charters were originally a progressive movement (called the “small schools” movement) started by University of Massachusetts professor Ray Budde and American Federation of Teachers leader, Al Shanker to explore best practices for education without bureaucracy. However, the Charter movement is said to have shifted into an effort to privatize education and attack teachers' unions.[111] Education historian Diane Ravitch has estimated, as a "safe guess," that 95% of charters in the United States are non-union and has said that charters follow an unsustainable practice of requiring teachers to work unusually long hours. Wikipedia
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2012 11:36 pm
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2012 11:27 pm
9 religious schools in Louisiana to receive nearly $4 million in taxpayer money

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Reply Fri 26 Oct, 2012 10:17 am
$500,000 payment to failed charter school principal sparks outrage

Awarding dereliction of duty, such a shame... Would this have happened in a public school? And how about rewarding schools that are successful and not the failures? A better plan would be building on successful school models and not wasteful spending on failures.


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