Thomas wrote:... then the rich would reduce their consumption of cars to increase their consumption of golfing and yachting.......
no, no, no, no, no, no!!!
that was just an example; ALL luxuries would be taxed!! anything that is not considered a necessity; the golf balls, the clubs the Golf Club Membership;
costly guns with inlaid silver stocks (most are, of course, necessities to Americans); yachts should bring in a pretty penny, but any reasonable boat used for transportation, and not gold plated, would be exempt, etc., etc.
and while i'm at it, on the subject of 'tax' i would like to see income tax eliminated, and replaced by a substantial (say 25%ish) goods and services tax, which would be a far more equitable way to tax people - you pay according to how you 'consume'!
I know, i know, only two problems; getting re-elected after making the change, and enforcing it!