ConstantlyQuestioning, he wrote
Quote:One premise of yours ILZ that I'd like to challenge is that actual numbers don't matter, only percentages; it's not how much we give, but how much we could give. I think it's quite the opposite. If we can give more actual dollars than some or most countries, but still give less in percentage, why not? Why is that a problem? That is still a lot of money.
Quote:If I were poor and a rich man gave me free money, I would thank him, and not scold him for not giving me enough.
I think there are a lot of poorly understood questions underneath this.
America is an apparatus, and a nation, and human beings. It is a system.
A system interacts with its environment, taking inputs, giving outputs and transforming internally.
How much does America give, you ask, and is it enough?
First we should ask, how much does America take?
America takes oil. America takes raw materials. America takes labour of chinese and vietnamese children. America takes gold, diamonds, steel,
What does America give?
America gives computer chips and medicine. America also gives nuclear weapons. America gives Coca-cola and Nike brand - but takes the labor that goes into production of real products.
America is polluting, America is destroying, America is cutting rainforests.
We cannot even speak about the information that America gives and takes - american way of living, american ideals, american pop culture, american greed for money. The impacts of western civilisation on african and south american tribes were studied somewhat, but still not enough.
We have just one world, as Knopfler says, and we cannot improve our future while thinking petty and small.
What do you mean by 'How much does America give'?
Dont you see it is far better to give medicine production knowledge and cure the world, who can then work on repairing the rain forest, who can work on your new PC parts that you can then buy cheaply.
Do you think America is some isolated world disconnected from all the problems, and whats more, your living room with your TV set and your petty small life is something out of it somehow?
The fact is, that we all take far more than we make. We take oil deep from the earth, we take minerals, we take fresh water, we take meat from animals, we take fruits from the trees.
What do we make? Mostly, we make ****.