hawkeye10 wrote:
engineer wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
Signing oneself up for membership in the victim class is hugely profitable.
If that were true, then we would expect straight people to pretend to be gay in order to take advantage of the huge profit opportunity, just like we have people who pretend to be war heroes. Instead, what we have is gay people pretending to be straight. Why do you think that is?
Bullshit....in spite of decades of advancement of the victim culture there are still a lot of people (most?) who have no desire to be a victim, or play one in spite of the profit to be had in doing so.
Sure, most people are honest, but we could certainly expect
some people to fake victim status for an advantage, right? We see students faking ADD to get more time on exams, people faking handicaps to get preferred parking, etc. While you might be an upstanding citizen, we know others aren't, so why aren't people faking being gay if it is such an advantage in the victim culture? Why are all those people who are entitled to claim the title in the closet if it is such an advantage? Do you really think being gay is our society is any sort of advantage when it could cost you your job or even your life?