Cave art called oldest in world

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:48 am
A few examples of what Neanderthals DIDN'T look like...




Negro Neanderthal (probably same artist who draws Jesus as black)...




Basically, a creature whose DNA was halfway between ours and that of a chimpanzee simply wouldn't look like any of those representations.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:52 am
Another problem...


In order to eliminate the obvious prognathism which Neanderthal skulls indicate (to eliminate the muzzle and make their faces appear straight up/down as ours do), most artists draw them looking down at their feet.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:53 am
God, what a racist pig . . .
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:58 am
Neanderthals were not another race, they were another SPECIES.

Believe it or not, I have just as much trouble trying to explain this one to Christians and creationists as I do libtards and evolosers. Most of them can't get their heads into the idea of bipedal apes walking around prior to 6K - 7K years ago and want to view Neanderthals as another race which died out at the flood.

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 05:59 am
"speciesist pig" ??
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 06:14 am
Yeah, but you're a young earth creationist, even though you haven't been honest about that for years. So from your point of view, with evolution never having taken place, modern humans were the productt of a special creation. You don't really care if your remarks about Neanderthals are accurate, it just gives you scope to vent your racism. Such as you displayed with your snide remark about an artist who probably depicted a black Jesus.

There's no evidence at all for the images you've been posting, and incidently using to trash LA's thread. You don't care though, you're just giddy from images which show a hairy, black-skinned hominid who looks like a ravening beast.

But your **** always has been evidence free.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:48 am
You keep repeating that Neanderthal DNA was halfway between chimps and us, snaKKKE, which is flatly not true. It's around 3/4. They're quite close to us. They weren't another species--evidence is we crossbred to a small degree, which different species can't do.

If you actually look at a whole bunch of Neander skulls, you'll see there's a wide variation. The last one you posted is actually, for the first time, in the proper orientation, and you will notice it is not at all apelike. First off, everybody since Lucy has been fully bipedal. This means the spinal vertebrae sit UNDER the cranium, not entering it at an angle into the lower back, as in non-bipedal apes. That changes the angle of the face, since it too is now under the skull, rather than protruding forward, as in apes. The lower jaw slants downward toward the chin, rather than being horizontal, as in apes, which immediately makes Vendramini's apelike reconstruction a crock of ****. And the superimposition of an ape over a Neander skull totally bogus. And if you look at the skull, and compare it with your felid skull, there is nothing muzzle-like about Neander. It protrudes a bit more than us, but nothing remotely resembling a muzzle. Nor is the dentition significantly different than us, though the teeth are larger--there are no fangs. We're still slowly changing dentition, teeth and jaws getting smaller, probably due to the reduced need for larger grinding teeth since we cook our food--that's been going on steadily for probably the last million years, since we harnessed fire. Remember too, Neandeer's cranial capacity was, on average, about 20% larger than ours. The cranial vault was shaped a bit differently, lower and deeper, but of greater capacity. Which Vendramini attempts to minimize. He's got an ax to grind, and he ain't doing it honestly.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:55 am
Neanderthals were not another race, they were another SPECIES.
As was H erectus, H ergaster, H Heidelbergensis, H sapiens idaltu, ad H Florensis. Chimps are another GENUS dipshit.

Believe it or not, I have just as much trouble trying to explain this one to Christians and creationists as I do libtards and evolosers.
Thats just because youre an ignorant fool gunga. Maybe the problem isnt with your "audience"

view Neanderthals as another race which died out at the flood.
I can see how youd want to separate yourself from the silly "FLOOD " myth, but why substitute it with an equally silly and stupid proposal.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 08:57 am
Vendramini's an entertainer , not someone whose interested in facts. Facts can get in the way of a good movie.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:36 am
It is usually the case with renaissance types that you have to pick and choose from their beliefs....

Lloyd Pye makes the best cases anybody ever has for the continuing existence of small numbers of hominids on the 60% of the Earth's surface which is seen only from the air. He believes as I do that moden humans are not descended from or related to hominids, and were either brought here or created here recently, after monkeys, apes, and hominids (bipedal apes) had been here for some substantial time.

He believes as I do in an off planet origin for modern man, albeit the version of such which he subscribes to (Zecharia Sitchin) is somewhat different from the version I would recommend, but that's neither here nor there. I would recommend listening to what he has to say about humans, hominids, and the question of things like bigfoot or whatever and then turn the thing off when he starts talking about Zecharia Sitchin, but if for whatever reason Sitchin turns you on, by all means keep listening:

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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:43 am


He said his team ran four separate tests for authenticity - checking whether other amino acids had survived, making sure the DNA sequences they found did not exist in modern humans, making sure the DNA could be replicated in their own lab and then getting other labs to duplicate their results. Comparisons with the DNA of modern humans and of apes showed the Neanderthal was about halfway between a modern human and a chimpanzee.

Thomas Lindahl, a DNA expert for Britain's Imperial Cancer Research Fund, said, ``It's a real tour de force and probably the most important work that has been done so far on ancient DNA.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:47 am



1997 isolated Neandertal DNA
Neandertals are almost exactly halfway between the chimpanzee and modern humans
diverged ca. 600,000 ybp
"Little Ice Age" : 1600s, 1700s, 1800s
The most recent Neandertal = ca. 26,000 ybp ??
About 35,000 ypb the Neandertals disappeared so suddenly; this is the "Neandertal Problem"
About 40,000 ybp "a new human type [Cro-magnon] began to spread across Europe."
30,000 - 35,000 ybp modern humans went through a "rapid cultural explosion"
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:58 am
Listen to two hours of that ****? You're joking. He's blown it by about ten minutes in, when he talks about nothing in common with earlier hominims. Incremental changes, over two million years. Lots in common. Off planet origins? 98+% of a genome in common with chimps? Clearly common origins of anatomy. He's a loon.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:10 am
Sorry, snakkke, Svante Paabo, who did the work and is THE expert, says we share 99.5-99.9% of our genome with Neanderthals. Makes them way far closer to us than chimps, not halfway (that's from 2009, much more complete than 1997, them's the breaks).
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:13 am
Can't stand it when the facts let you down, can you, snaKKKe? So you vote it down. Sad. Kinds of shows you must have some ostrich in your ancestry somewhere, stick your head in the sand when something frightens you (though that's an old wive's tale about ostriches--they don't really do that. Tho you do).
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:15 am
If anybody hasn't figured this out yet.... I'm posting this stuff for the benefit of the silent majority or whatever you want to call it, people who actually do get something out of real information, and not for the benefit of the little gaggle of blowhards (formerman, monkeyjack, paradork...), basically I just vote their **** down without bothering to read it most of the time, I don't really have any psychic need to expose them as idiots on a continual basis, they do that for themselves.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:19 am
Most people realize that fairytales aren't real about the time they hit puberty. Talk about arrested development. GungasnaKKKes got a couple decades more than that and still hasn't learned.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:00 am

Gorilla skull. Notice the eye sockets are not two or three times the size of ours as is the case with the Neanderthal. That's because gorillas never were nocturnal predators as the Neanderthal was.
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Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:02 am
gungasnaKKKe says:
I just vote their **** down without bothering to read it most of the time

kinda says it all right there about himself, doesn't it?
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:07 am
google pictures of neander and homo sap skulls. look at the pages that have both and compare them. neander eye sockets are a bit bigger, not that much, certainly not two or three times. nowhere near. look at the gorilla brain pan, brow ridges, facial angle (prognathism), and dentition (canines, particularly). Compare those with neander and us. Neanderthal is clearly our cousin. The gorilla isn't.
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