Mon 16 Feb, 2004 07:19 am
Tommy, our Great Big Magnificent Cat, has been missing now since about 3 January. I keep on hearing stories about lost cats who come home after months or even years away. How long do you suppose we ought to wait before bringing home another cat?
There's a neutered orange tomcat on the bulletin board in Camp available for adoption. My wife has already met him and says he's nice enough, but is it too soon to give up on Tommy? Unfortunately, Tommy has never gotten along with other cats, and it wouldn't be pretty if he was to come home and find another cat in his house.
Oh my! What a problem!!!! And I am so sorry about Tommy.
I fear I doubt that many cats are gone so long and turn up.
I wonder, though, if you would feel better to wait a little longer? Just in case? You would be in a real pickle if he turned up.
Just a thought ... and stray pussy cats we have always with us....
Have you checked the local animal shelters to see if maybe Tommy had been picked up?
I am also sorry to hear of your loss and agree that he probably won't show up since all this time has passed..
I would personally give it a few more weeks before bringing another cat home and I would also check all the local shelters to see if Tommy was there.
Good luck to you.