Here we go again! Mitt doesn't understand the US economy (or economics), and blasts Obama for a one month downturn in the employment numbers.
Mitt can't understand what caused the high unemployment in the first place; it was GOP president GW Bush who's Great Recession impacted the world's economy and employment. Mitt wants Obama to be a miracle worker by increasing employment under the world Great Recession to a higher level.
During GW Bush's last year in office, unemployment in January was 5%, and in December it was 7.4%. That's a 40% increase in the unemployment rate! Here's a CNNMoney report for the first few months of 2009. The trend in unemployment continued it's upward trend. Did Mitt expect Obama to turn that around during his first few months in office?
Quote:2 million jobs lost so far in '09
Unemployment rate spikes to 8.5%, a 25-year high, as 663,000 jobs lost in March. 5.1 million jobs have now been lost since the beginning of 2008.
All this during Obama's presidency when the GOP has been cutting government employment, and they want Obama to produce a positive employment number.
There's no cure for stupid!
Has anybody heard how Mitt is going to increase jobs? Or is that a secret like his tax returns?