Gender traits

Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 06:20 am
'Tis older women wot tends to have the real longies, though - and the myriad kiddies of the eternity ring thing, too....

Men do pinkie rings, and medallions, as the equivalent, I think ....
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 06:34 am
Funny about the nails thing...I just clipped off today to as short as they can be! I like it that way the best. I like the look of a slightly longer nail (not daggers in the least mind you) because they make my fingers look longer. But in the end I always cut them down because I can't be bothered to take proper care of them and it just feels best when they are short.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 06:38 am
dlowan- Have you seen this? Pretty snazzy!

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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:08 am
I have seen them before - I swear, I am considering them - mine are pretty good about their claws, and they have a cat tree - and I clip them - but sometimes....

I want a cat condom to keep the fur in, too...
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:09 am
What about all that bunny fluff? Very Happy
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:09 am
I like a wee bit of nail, too, Caprice - and they are useful - but I always end up getting rid of them.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:10 am
I ain't wearing no damn condom - and I brush and wash MY fur!~
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:12 am
dlowan wrote:
I ain't wearing no damn condom - and I brush and wash MY fur!~

Oh, I ain't touchin' that one! *gleeful grin*

I'll leave it for braver ones than me! Very Happy

Okay, off to bed....for real now! Night night.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:34 am
LOL. I think jewelry is very pretty, but I'd rather have electronic stuff. I wear 2 gold rings with my birthstone and a few tiny little diamonds. I also have other jewelry that I almost never wear.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:35 am
I've got a small gold stud in my left ear-which was the result of considerable prompting by a friend (female) of mine. I don't wear a watch, being a sparkie I can't wear one at work, and now if I try they annoy me. I've got a pocket watch that I use when I go out (that reminds me, it needs a new battery). No rings, necklaces or tattoos (the things they do to your lymph nodes).
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 09:25 am
I really like earrings. That's my main thing. I have a simple silver chain with filligree beads that is my default necklace, usually wear some sort of silver earrings with that.

But all of that is under $50 (if that much), it's not JEWELS. I have some ancestral pearls and a diamond that I love but never wear (wore the diamond for my wedding, that's it.) I have a plain gold wedding band, and on the other hand, my engagement ring with a smallish diamond. (We wuz poor.) The sparkliness is nice, but I'm not jonesing for more.

My very favorite jewelry is probably an Indian gold set from E.G., a necklace with fancy beading and some red and gold enamel, and small gold hoop earrings with tiny dangles.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 10:04 am
I dislike diamonds. I have one diamond pendant, old mine cut, that was left to me by a relative.

I do enjoy earrings and wear a watch that is like a silver bracelet. A former hippie, I prefer good design to jewelry store trite stuff that is boring. I buy my jewelry from artisans.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 11:34 am
I love earrings and long nails. Don't always wear earrings, and don't always have long nails, but I love 'em. I'm not a fan of 'serious' jewelry, rarely wear the few 'good' pieces I have. I prefer my silver and amber pieces to almost anything. I'd definitely have another tattoo before I put any $$ into jewelry.

Just started having pedicures a little over a year ago. Who knew how much like paradise that experience could be? Not me.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 11:51 am
You people may be startled to know that I come from a family with strong opinions. Some of these views I ignore, others furrowed themselves in my developing brain.

1. Nice girls don't wear glitter (rhinestones). Wearing glitter before dark is an indication of double damnation.

2. Jewelery should indicate craftsmanship rather than wealth. If you are qualified to judge the cut and setting of a diamond, you may wear a diamond. If not, content yourself with jewelery that displays good taste and wit. I wear cameos when I'm all gussied up.*

3. Pierced ears are appropriate for sailors. If a sailor is shipwrecked and washes ashore, a gold ring can be sold to provide money for burial expenses and masses for his soul.

4. Pierced ears are dangerous because if the lower orders riot they will grab earrings from the upper orders, tearing the ear lobes. (My grandmother was very impressed by Bulwer-Lytton's Last Days of Pompei)

*Once upon a time when a woman proposed to a man during leap year and he turned her down, he gave her a cameo to show that there were no hard feelings. Most of my cameos are family pieces, inherited rather than extorted.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 02:12 pm
Rhinestones......yummmmmmm....I have one lovely sparkly pair of earrings....

I love Holly Golightly's line in Breakfast at Tiffany's - "I always think diamonds look tacky on a woman under forty, don't you?"
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 04:20 pm
*has no sparklies of any kind!*

Well...unless you count the birthstone ring my parents gave me for my 13th birthday. I never wear it. I'd always play with it. Take it off, play, put it back on, take it off, play. Set it down. Lose it. (Temporarily) So I was always afraid I'd lose it for good and since it has sentimental value, I thought it best to not wear it. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 04:48 pm
Miss eBeth, i didn't know yer peds were ill, let alone that you were going for a cure . . . i suppose you simply didn't mention it so as not to worry me.
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Portal Star
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 06:47 pm
Re: Gender traits
caprice wrote:
I've just been reading some posts over in the "Relationships & Marriage" section and I'm reminded of how it seems many women want diamonds (not just the ring, but other jewelry types too) not to mention a variety of other material items. I dunno, maybe I'm missing that gene or something, but I'm just not into jewelry. Sure I like looking at the stuff because it IS purty and all, but I don't want to wear it. I don't even have pierced ears, which some people find odd. So tell me, am I weird? (That's really a rhetorical question for all you smart @sses out there! Wink What about all you other ladies out there? What's your take on jewelry?

Diamonds have no market value and exist on the sole basis of tradition and heavily controlled demand-and-release marketing. DeBeers has waged war over the right to mine in Africa, and won.

So when I see a diamond, I think, gee that person is either an idiot or didn't think/know about their purchace. I know the tradition, and I like tradition, but its not worth buying a worthless ring at a couple month's salary's price and causing people in Africa to be slaughtered. I know there is some controversy in all markets, but the history of the diamond is particularly bad.

So, when I get my wedding ring, I am going to put gems with value into it. Like rubies, emeralds, or somthing like that. I also hear that someone is very close to developing and releasing a cubic zirconium indestinguishable from a diamond, but that the diamond companies are raising legal hell over it.

I didn't think I would like wearing jewelry, but when given a white gold necklace and bracelt, I just loved it. It shows that someone is willing to spend a lot of money on you, which isn't necessary, but certainly feels good. I think on a really deep down level it also shows that they can be a provider and care for you.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:19 pm
I have a total of five hole in my ear lobes, got them pierced one at a time in different cities. I was into Punk rock, back in the day, and it was part of the uniform. Now I wear two tiny hoops - top holes, a tiny emerald stud - middle hole, and Claddagh hoop earrings in the bottom holes.

I always wear a cross or a crucifix, not because I'm religious, I just like the look of the varied pieces I have collected. I wear an anklet, a friend brought back from india in the summer, a medium thick italian gold chain bracelet on one wrist, I've had it forever, I never take it off. I wear a mexican silver and a silver medic alert bracelet on the other wrist, along with my silver watch - which I must wear for work and one simple silver braid ring.
I used to make and sell jewellry, but I've never owned a diamond. I like jewelery, but I'm more interested in cultural, historical or peasant designs.
I own about 40 dead watches, some expensive - others cheap, because I kill watches/timepieces. I'm electrified, lol.

I have only worn fake nails once. I hated them, they hurt when you put them on, and they hurt when they catch on everything and subsequently rip off. I thought the would help me stop biting my nails, but no. Nasty habit I know.
I paint my toe nails, always dark colours. The only make up I wear is mascara and blistex.

I was at my hairdressers the other day, she sees me regularily - 4 times a years for a trim. She now sells dog nail polish, it's non-toxic. Kinda makes you wonder about the stuff they sell us humans.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 07:20 pm
Re: Gender traits
Portal Star wrote:
So, when I get my wedding ring, I am going to put gems with value into it. Like rubies, emeralds, or somthing like that. I also hear that someone is very close to developing and releasing a cubic zirconium indestinguishable from a diamond, but that the diamond companies are raising legal hell over it.

Actually what it sounds like you are talking about already exists. The item of contention is not a cubic zirconium, but a real diamond. However it is not a diamond mined from the earth but produced in a laboratory. Apparently it takes an experienced gemologist to be able to distinguish the difference between the "natural" diamond and the "manufactured" diamond.

Why not get a Canadian diamond? Mined in northern Canada, identified by microscopic laser labelling and no slaughtering involved.
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