Mon 9 Feb, 2004 07:33 pm
We want a cool name. "Deaf Women's Book Club" has been put forth. Yawn.
We're a bunch of wimmins, mostly moms, 12 of us now, (that number will probably change but we're trying not to go over that), all of us Deaf, all of us signing (in terms of hands/ ASL emphasis rather than Deaf emphasis).
Whaddya got?
hard soz. my friends and I took weeks to come up w/ a name...settled on "The Sisterhood Bookclub" hahah..lemme put on my thinking cap for ya
1.) Didn't know you are deaf... 'On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.' (nothing implied, that's an old New Yorker cartoon that comes to mind.) That's so damn cool, because I talk to you alomst daily.
2.) The We Don't Move Our Lips When We Read Book Club.
heheheh "mime readers" book mimes communicate w/ only guestures...I think its cute.
Seal, I'm always surprised at how many people I think of as old-timers -- like, people I've known online for a long time -- don't know. It comes up fairly often, but it doesn't come up even more often, and so there are still little pockets of "really???"
I became deaf when I was a teenager (weird fluctuating thing, up down up down weekly daily hourly for 5 years) have been profoundly deaf since. (Translation = can't hear nothin'.) Learned ASL in college, got involved in Deaf community. Now bi-lingual and bi-cultural. But because I was born hearing, have a hearing husband, etc., more part of hearing culture than Deaf culture.
Mime readers. Hmmmm.... ;-)
Well... I knew you were profound on occasion.
There's the bit of poetry... Blake, I think...
The moving finger writes...
You could be
The Moving Fingers Read.
Although that would be more for a braille reading group.
The We Don't Have To Ask "What?" Book Club
The <Insert Crazy Hand Gesture> Book Club
The We're Better Than Oprah Book Club
Hellen Keller's Book Club for the Blind
By the way, if I am in any way being offensive, do tell.
Sozobe, here are a few I came up with. I hope I'm not offending you with any of these titles
Women Of Substance
Voices With Motion
Gestures with Heart
Silent Ear page Turners
Women Of Many Words
I LOVE Better than Oprah. ;-)
I don't offend too easily. I DO commence to lecture at the drop of a hat, though, so be warned...
I like colorbook's, but they sound more like charity names...
I like that one too, Sozobe. Good job individual, mine were only suggestions.
I like the better than Oprah as well. It's got a nice ring to it.
How about Silence of the Lambs?
I just thought of a few more...
To Kill a Talking Bird
Til Deaf Do Us Part
The Most Excellent Deaf Womens Reading Adventure
The Quiet Ones
Most people don't read and talk at the same time anyway.
Gus, you should be spending more time writing your next book...The Death Of A Duck II.
ok, we'll toss that one out.
colorbook, are you implying that my ideas are less than desirable?