Hello I would like to say something to that question. They say that God,was and still is all powerful. He made the earth and everything that exist with the wave of his hand. He would have to be so advanced in knowledge that it is beyond our capibility to comprehend just how powerful he is.
Then we are to supposed to believe that someone so advanced is so premative that he would send his son down here to be executed for our sins? He waved his hand and made Adam and Eve, yet he made his son with a human mother. I quess his technology change through the years.
If Jesus was the son of God I don't think God is in any big hurry to send him back to us after what we did to him the first time. He was sent here to teach, not to die. And maybe if we didn't kill him the world would have been a better place than it is now. But he was a threat to the church and in those times that was no tollerated.
I believe the church uses the "He died for our sins" quote for a reason why he was killed. They display him on crosses through out the catholic churches like a trophy. If he was hung what do you think they would have on the wall. A cross is a means of torture and execution and yet a religion that preeches love and though shall not kill use it has a religious symbal. God did not make religion man did.
I hope there is a God and I get to meet him one day. I will apologize for the church for killing his son. Because they sure won't.