I don't think you need to worry about our economy tanking; most signs are positive including jobs.
As for the elections this year, there are too many contradictions just amongst the republican party; spending tens of billions to destroy each other, and yet Romney (the company and jobs destroyer) and Santorum (the scary bastard) are on top of their ticket. Women are voting for the very people trying to control them and their bodies, and they don't mind probes put into their vagina when they're pregnant, and they don't want health care insurance to pay for their contraception. It's a "moral" choice for them, but over 90% of Catholic women already use contraception. Go figure; I'm totally confused!
The majority of republicans are not in the 1%, but they want the wealthy to keep their wealth, because they say it's only transferring their wealth to the poor - all while our infrastructure, schools, and governments cut back on services, and the deficit continues to grow.
Oh, the deficit; they claim Obama is responsible for doubling the deficit, but they don't know what they are talking about. Ignorance is their ace of spade; they use it without knowing the games they are playing. They just don't understand how our debt increased under GW Bush; or, if they did, they didn't or don't care. It's now their political football.