michael todd
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2004 07:54 am
Hi Montana,

I certainly need all the emotional support I can get right now, so thank you for it and for sending the hugs too! You are absolutely right about the world becoming a cold and heartless place; what happened to me is a perfect example. Truth and warmth is my way and yours too, I know.

As for the Pravda forum, the hostile posters seem to have gone away (like on this forum too) and there is now a small group of very supportive people. Check it out, but start after the 12th page perhaps.

I think what I will do is post a list of links (upwards of 20) that feature my case; this will enable the doubters on this forum (where are they now?) to check things out independently.

I have to say that I am very surprised that so few took up the challenge of asking me searching questions. They accused me falsely but they never came back to say sorry. Hey, thats the kind of behaviour exhibited towards me by US Soldiers in Iraq. If you are wrong good people, admit it and say sorry. How would you explain your behaviour to my little girl?
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michael todd
Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2004 09:49 am

As promised, here are some links; I can post more if anyone is interested in the truth. Just a reminder here; I went to Iraq to hand out soft toys to Iraqi children and to find my own daughter whose Iraqi mother had been killed at the start of the war. I entered Iraq will the full knowledge of various authorities and US Army units. Despite this I was captured, abused and detained under 24 hour armed guard for three weeks.
If this can happen to me then how safe are others who live peacefully in this world?

BBC News.
This was the first international mention of the fact that I was going to iraq to find my child.

Baku Today Newspaper.
One of the first english language mentions that I had been detained along with Turkish soldiers.

BBC News.
Report of my capture by the US Army in Iraq.

Agence France Press (via ME Times).
Report of my capture by the US Army in Iraq.

BBC News.
Report of my release.

Hurriyet Newspaper, Turkey.
Front page story in Turkeys largest newspaper; includes a photograph of my with the plastic bag on my head. There is an english translation somewhere but I can't find it at the moment.

There are many more but it's taking some time to check that the links are still valid; more later if you want them. Enjoy!
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2004 02:58 pm
Nice picture on the BBC News site Michael :wink: Sorry for being so sceptic - I totally believe you now. My sincere apologies. But I just have one question left, just out of curiosity: how is your daughter now? Have you eventually found her in Iraq?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2004 03:27 pm
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michael todd
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 03:40 am
There is no need to apologise; as you took the time to check this story out I am content and happy with what you have done.
However, the fact that so many people doubted this story makes me understand that what happened to me was both excessive and grossly unfair; people just can't believe that US soldiers are capable of such treatment. I was there to find my child and to give out toys and end up a terrorist suspect.

I don't know if you saw the abuse I recevied on the Pravda Forum (check it out if you dare - Pravda English Forum ) but I am used to disbelievers. What bothers me are those who condemn without at first doing just a little bit of research.

Thank you for your words; do you want me to post the other links?

As for your question, I have still no exact idea where my daughter is so any notion of her well-being is confined to my dreams. It hurts my friend, but what can I do now? She is probably in North Iraq and there was some clue from the ICRC (Red Cross) but that was last July. The day before I was due to visit the orphanage where they said she might be the charming, understanding, gentle, co-operative US Soldiers captured me. My release seemed to be conditional on leaving the country so thats what happened. I asked to be taken back to the town where I was captured but the US refused. All my clothes, some money, the soft toys and other items are still in the town where I was captured. The family who looked after me have no idea what happened to me as I have no means of contacting them.
I want to go back to Iraq immediately but I cannot afford to do so. Many have promised help but none have delivered on their promised. One American citizen did send me a $100 dollar donation which was a very moving gesture.
I have to be there to find her.

What about advice from you? Anything to add? All advice is welcome and thanks for checking things out.

STEVE (AS 4100).
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Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 06:50 am
And hello to you Michael.

You said you contacted the Foreign office before you went to Iraq. What advice did you get from the FCO about your intended trip?
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michael todd
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 05:28 am

The advice from the the UK government was received mostly via the UK Embassies in Ankara (Turkey) and Damascus (Syria) when I was attempting to cross both these countries borders into North Iraq. This advice was that I should not go but that they could not stop me from entering the country to find my child and hand out the soft toys.
One key thing to mention in this is that I had permission from the Turkish Government to cross the border. With Paul Bremer announcing yesterday the CPA's intention to increase border patrols and security, I wonder if it will be more difficult for me to cross into Iraq the next time? I am already in contact with the Turkish government who I hope will allow me to cross the border into North Iraq once again.

The UK Foreign Office are still involved in my case now, having been active in securing my release and now assisting in matters specifically. My MP is also doing his best, as are others.

Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like. As you will have noted, the sceptical, non-believing posters on this site have run away. I am sad that they have not returned to apologise but then some people can't handle the truth I guess!
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 05:45 am
michael todd- I understand that emotional support is important, but have you done anything definitive lately to attempt to get your daughter out? It seems to me that if you spent time attempting to contact officials that could help you, you could accomplish much more than simply posting on forums. As much as we may be sympathetic to your situation, there is very little that we can do.

Have you contacted the media, people in Congress, etc. recently?

Here is another person that you might want to contact:

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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 07:49 am

I never doubted your story. It has all the hallmarks of truth unfortunately. But I have to say this. Would it not have been better to heed the FCO advice and stay out of Iraq until they said it was safe? Of course you wanted to find your daughter, but it sounds as if your one man attempt to find her and deliver some toys nearly cost you your life, and that would not have been in her interests either.

I think the coalition forces owe it to you to find your daughter. And if they did it would be a bit of good news coming out of Iraq for them, so I think they would be willing to help. Have you/your representative asked them?
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 08:52 pm
michael todd wrote:

As you will have noted, the sceptical, non-believing posters on this site have run away. I am sad that they have not returned to apologise but then some people can't handle the truth I guess!

i'm still here, still sceptical.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 09:49 pm
Michael Todd wrote:
As you will have noted, the sceptical, non-believing posters on this site have run away. I am sad that they have not returned to apologise but then some people can't handle the truth I guess!

I left because of this type of stuff, I just don't see this as the confrontation that you seem to see it as. I am just curiously reading along. I don't get the occasional Jack Nicholson. <shrugs>

Michael Todd, on Pravada, wrote:
Watch this story develop as there is a $10 million law suit against the US Administration in the pipeline.

While sympathetic to your plight, I don't think the harm done to your hearing from riding in a noisy helicopter will win a lawsuit if that's the only permanent damage.

The same goes for the majority of the people who lost life, loved one or limb in the war.

Most of the many thousands of people injured in this war won't be paid by the US unless they were American soldiers. Rolling Eyes

It sure doesn't sound fair to me, in a world where spilling coffee on your lap can net millions and I wish the inherent "unfairness" of war did not result in so many lived harmed. You had a taste of mistreatment that would, in civilization, be a strong case.

I wonder if this will end up as just another casualty of war. Will you keep us posted? Is your case active yet?

I hope you don't mind a question bourne of curiosity upon reading this:

Richard Edwards wrote:

Mime artist aims for Turkish border
YORK street entertainer Michael Mime was today trying to cross the Turkish border into Iraq after meeting and taking advice from Kurdish politicians.


He also says he is on a mission to take "unconditional love" to the country.

He plans to wear his clown costume and full make-up when he gets into Iraq.

Did you go with a clown suit? Very Happy If so, what kind of questions did that elicit from US soldiers? I can't even imagine trying to explain that to them, did anything you were carrying arouse a lot of suspicion/curiosity on their part?

Hope you don't mind the questions as much as the lack of them. I read a bit from a few articles and am curious about a few things.
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michael todd
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2004 06:56 am
Sorry I'm late, I have been trying to reply for two days but am blocked.
Anyway, in answer to your question, I 'work' 12 hours a day on this case and use time on this forum to talk about what happened to me. I believe in grassroots media and this is a good form for that. Far from wasting my time on forums there is a strong therapy value in them for me. I find it all very stress relieveing, at least when I am not suffering abuse, as I did in extreme doses on that 'Russian' forum.

I trust the media even less now; many have promised much but delivered nothing. One paper who carried this story as an exclusive in one country promise to help me find my daughter, promised to send a film crew with me back to Iraq. This never happened and the journalist now ignores this story, having gone to other things.

I mailed Bush and Kerry way back in September and am still waiting for a reply. I will give them a final opportunity to help me this month by writing again. Of course, I am in touch with Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, the Red Cross (ICRC), NGO's, the UK government and a who host of others. However, nothing much is happening right now, so I am thinking that I'll just borrow the money, cross the border into Iraq and look for her myself. How can I explain to her that I sat back and waited for others to help me find her? People who will help me if it suits their agenda? I have asked so many for help but this story seems to be too sensitive; any ideas why?

Thanks for the Fox News suggestion; I will try that but I have heard that this was the most pro-Bush, pro-bullshit news channel on the Planet. Is this a harsh analysis?

I just couldn't stay in the UK and wait, despite the advice not to go. Love often does not recognise dangers; the mother who rushes to save her child crossing the road in front of a truck does not even think she might be smashed to pieces by the truck, she just follows her heart - that's what I did and what I will continue to do. If you are a father you will know what I mean!
For sure, it did almost cost me my life, but I will risk it again if I have to. In truth, I am rather pissed off that I am still stuck in the UK - I should have been back in Iraq months ago but funds are tight and I have no choice now other than trying to borrow money.

I LOVE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE COALITION FORCES HELPING and congratulate you for saying this. You are the first person to suggest this on any forum and this chimes right in with my way of thinking. I have been suggesting this for months; I even suggested this to the US Army when I was in their custody - of course you know the answer! Never have they even apologised but I will push this further, contacting Mr Bush and John Kerrry again to ask for their help in finding her. I would be less optimistic of a positive answer if this wasn't election year! Sad but true - politicians are more likely to 'help' if it benefits them to do so!
For sure, the US should help, particularly after what they did to me. After all, many hundreds of soldiers have nothing to do in Iraq except deam about the next visit to the PX shop or the Burger King at the Airport.

Hello again; thanks for the long, detailed, analytical post!!! Just kidding! You keep saying you are sceptical without saying why. Come on, forums are for debating so get off that fence and say why you doubt me? Ask me anything what you like, I will answer.

Thanks for curiously reading along; I am sorry if I have misunderstood you. Really, I welcome your input, it's just that what happened has made me very sensitive, I'm sure you'll understand.
The law-suit has not been filed yet, but if it was there would me more than just the hearing. There is the broken toe, growth in a sensitive area (perhaps caused by the inhalation of toxic fumes), the cut hand and other things. There is also wrongful death and wrongful imprisonment, etc. The US is running a compensation scheme in Iraq and a number of Iraqi families have been paid small amounts.
Yes I will keep you posted because I value having you lot to talk to. Before posting I was too insular about what had happened to me so thanks for listening - you are all un-paid counsellors!!!!
As for the clown suit - great question. Sadly I was captured before I got the chance to wear it, but the intention still remain. When I return to Iraq the idea is to get into costume and hand out the soft toys to the children, hopefully in Baghdad and definitely in other towns. The idea is simple of course - highlighting the insanity of war and showing that unconditional love has a place everywhere. It will be a wonderful thing if I can pull it off but I will need the US Army to co-operate on this one otherwise they may suspect that terrorists had suddenly taken to dressing up as clowns! I must be very careful but can't wait!

Are you having problems posting?
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Craven de Kere
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2004 11:04 am
No problems posting.

What wrongful death would you be suing for by the way?
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michael todd
Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:04 am
The death of my girlfriend.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 08:40 am
just a question,

why would that be a wrongful death?
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 09:05 am
michael todd wrote:

I am a British Citizen who entered Iraq on the 13th of June 2003 to search for my missing half Iraqi daughter (aged 2) and to give out soft toys to Iraqi children. I travelled to Iraq with the full knowledge of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad, the US Embassy in Ankara, the Turkish Prime Minister and also certain units of the US Army. Despite this, I was forcibly captured by the US Army as I walked down a street in Sulaimaniyah (North Iraq). I was captured on the 4th of July along with soldiers of the Turkish Special Forces and was treated like a terrorist suspect - kicked, beaten and spat at. I was cuffed and a plastic bag was put on my head. On my person was 100% documentary proof as to why I was in Iraq. Despite this I was bundled into a truck along with the non-uniformed Turk soldiers and driven to Kirkuk Airbase.
US soldiers said I was a terrosist. They "accidentally" cut my hand when they took my plastic handcuffs off with a knife and my hearing was permanently impaired the next day when they flew us to Baghdad in a Chinook Helicopter without ear protection. We were all dressed in orange, in a 'Guantanamo Bay' suit, and denied any rights. My toe was broken when a soldier kicked me as I lay on the runway at Baghdad Airport, suffering from exhaustion.
The Turks were released on the 6th of July but I remained in custody for three weeks under 24/7 armed guard. Yes, even as I slept (dreaming of my missing child), M16's were pointed at me just two metres away.


Thanks for reading. For background on this story, go to google.com and enter 'Michael Todd Iraq BBC'.

Michael Todd (Ex Prisoner of War in Iraq)

i still find your opening statement to be incredulous.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 09:22 am
in fact, just forget it. there's just too many holes in these stories and i don't want to get into a long dragged out discussion of why i know a lot of your story is just plain wrong. and btw, unlike you, i am actually leaving this thread.
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michael todd
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 05:57 am

Mr friend, you criticise me and I offer to answer your questions; you then run away and say you don't want to get into a long discussion. Hell, isn't that what forums are for?

I speak facts, so what's the problem? I speak facts that are all 100% checkable. You say my story is just plain wrong and I roll around on the floor laughing! Thank you for an additional stress-relieving session!

I forgive your cruel words because you cannot get your mind around the fact that what I say did happen. Friend, this is the real deal!

Do you mind if I use your comments in the book?

If you do not return what will others on this forum think?

Anyway my friend, I wish you fulfillment in whatever it is you do.
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Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 10:23 pm
Mr. Todd has mentioned a process of litigation and this should be welcomed by both his detractors and supporters.

Large sums of money and long prison terms tend to concentrate conflicts by extracting extraneous claims, irrelevant evidence, and hearsay testimony. The process also demands sharply focused charges. This "controversy" begs for such problem definition and the cold analytical tactics called for in the resolution of legal conflicts.

Given such a forum and a desire to prevail Mr. Todd would be required to demonstrate three things before any monies would be forthcoming from the accused (U.S. government).

1. Negligence must be demonstrated.

2. It must be demonstrated the U.S. agent was the source of the negligence.

3. Mr. Todd must prove he was damaged by the U.S. agent's negligence.

The logical operator here is AND, therefore all the above facts must be found to be simultaneously TRUE for Mr. Todd to win his case. The work product of both the defense and plaintiff would be the only evidence I would consider as working towards the validity of Mr. Todd's serious charges leveled against the agents of the U.S.

Mere pointers to various media efforts at sensationalism regarding the alleged events that contain mostly reiterations of Mr. Todd's original charges are not good enough... Heart tugging tales involving soft toys, deceased lovers, and unused clown suits are of little value when accusing American soldiers of heinous crimes while in the act of tyrant eradication, human release from despotism, and the attempt to secure and rebuild a troubled nation--all these noble efforts conducted by the accused agents while proceeding in harm's way.

Some might question Mr. Todd's wisdom manifested by injecting himself into such a situation; others might see nobility in his actions. For me these considerations are just as irrelevant as to what a raped woman was wearing at the time the act was committed. What is relevant is what damages Mr. Todd sustained, what actually happened, and under what conditions. What, if any, where the mitigating circumstances? Given Mr. Todd's charges, the claimed death of undocumented or documented relatives is lamentable but irrelevant.

The proposed law suit is the closest we will get to the unadulterated truth. Mr. Todd should welcome the chance to elevate his cause and this should encourage him to abandon such courts of public opinion as Pravda and A2K. It must be terribly demeaning and frustrating to feel these forums are his only recourse to such alleged injustices. Such forums have obvious value but they are not designed to mete out the justice Mr. Todd claims is his due. Wrongful death suit? Sure, let's have at it, publish the transcript and we will go from there. Any thing else is mere spin.


0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 12:24 am

Nice forum. I stumbled into this place while researching Mr. Todd's story on Pravda. I looked around and liked it so much that I decided to register. Very civilized. A little something for everyone.

Hello Michael. How ya' doing? No, I'm not going to post on this thread. You keep me busy enough over at Pravda.

I really just wanted to compliment JamesMorrison on a well thought-out post. Do I detect a little barely restrained cynicism or is it just me? If you ever need to blow off a little steam James, come on over and visit us. Ten minutes on the "Bush engineered 911" thread will have you spittin' nails and cursin' like a sailor. Very therapeutic. Besides, the kook to lucid ratio is getting a little out of whack over there.

Again, very nice forum. See ya around.
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