Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2004 06:26 am

I am a British Citizen who entered Iraq on the 13th of June 2003 to search for my missing half Iraqi daughter (aged 2) and to give out soft toys to Iraqi children. I travelled to Iraq with the full knowledge of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad, the US Embassy in Ankara, the Turkish Prime Minister and also certain units of the US Army. Despite this, I was forcibly captured by the US Army as I walked down a street in Sulaimaniyah (North Iraq). I was captured on the 4th of July along with soldiers of the Turkish Special Forces and was treated like a terrorist suspect - kicked, beaten and spat at. I was cuffed and a plastic bag was put on my head. On my person was 100% documentary proof as to why I was in Iraq. Despite this I was bundled into a truck along with the non-uniformed Turk soldiers and driven to Kirkuk Airbase.
US soldiers said I was a terrosist. They "accidentally" cut my hand when they took my plastic handcuffs off with a knife and my hearing was permanently impaired the next day when they flew us to Baghdad in a Chinook Helicopter without ear protection. We were all dressed in orange, in a 'Guantanamo Bay' suit, and denied any rights. My toe was broken when a soldier kicked me as I lay on the runway at Baghdad Airport, suffering from exhaustion.
The Turks were released on the 6th of July but I remained in custody for three weeks under 24/7 armed guard. Yes, even as I slept (dreaming of my missing child), M16's were pointed at me just two metres away.


Thanks for reading. For background on this story, go to google.com and enter 'Michael Todd Iraq BBC'.

Michael Todd (Ex Prisoner of War in Iraq)
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 8,443 • Replies: 111
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Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2004 03:22 pm
I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. There's no excuse for this and I feel for all the innocent people.
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2004 02:33 am
Oh my God...how can something like that happen?? You should bring this to the International Court in The Hague.. Unbelievable
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Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2004 11:35 pm
Hey Mikey!

What about the un-uniformed "Turk" soldiers so readily identified sans uniforms? Certain units of the U.S. Army knew about this? Can one insist on more specificity such as the 3rd I.D., 5th I.D., or perhaps the 4th I.D? Since each such I.D. (Infantry Division) consists of smaller units the question begged is... which one? Capture date is the 4th of July? This is mentioned because of its importance to a "British Citizen"? Hmmmmm... But the 2 yr old thing was great (little girl is always better than a boy...nice touch)! How did you know the "Turks" were Special Forces? The stupid American soldier's commanding officer let you guys have a confab? Certainly not by their uniforms, perhaps the mean U.S. Army guys intimated this info to you (considered by your captors, by your own admission, as a terrorist)...for what reason? Were there lost puppies involved?

For Montana and Rick d'Israeli :

You must really invest in a good baloney detector! There are far too many people out there willing to accept the proceeds from the bogus sale of community owned bridges. You guys are OK though, for if an individual came to your door with the above story I am sure you would close it in his face while making sure his foot was not injured in the process. The effort is noble but we must protect that which allows us such effort, in this I am sure we are in accord.

Respectfully (to Montana and Rick d'Israeli ),

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Craven de Kere
Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2004 11:44 pm

Have a look:


More here:

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Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2004 11:46 pm
i agree with jm, something about this story does not ring true.
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Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 12:10 am

I also went to take a look at these before I posted my response.
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Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 12:13 am
JamesMorrison wrote:

For Montana and Rick d'Israeli :

You must really invest in a good baloney detector! There are far too many people out there willing to accept the proceeds from the bogus sale of community owned bridges. You guys are OK though, for if an individual came to your door with the above story I am sure you would close it in his face while making sure his foot was not injured in the process. The effort is noble but we must protect that which allows us such effort, in this I am sure we are in accord.

Respectfully (to Montana and Rick d'Israeli ),


I can't help but take offense to your remarks. I'm not an idiot! I atleast did some research on this before I commented.
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michael todd
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 05:18 am
UK POW SPEAKS AGAIN (I won't be insulted so easily).
Hi Montana,

Thank you for the kind words and for trying to point James in the right direction. I am sorry he insulted you because of the story I posted

I have a Lawyer in the States but he is asking for up-front monies so I will ask you what I ask anyone who passes comment on the legal aspects of this case - can you suggest the means to find an international human rights lawyer who would take this case on a pro-bono / contingency basis?

Hi James Morrisson,
I expected such a reply and have been enduring similar abuse from another forum.

So, in answer to your questions:

1. First, check out the reports on the internet from BBC, AFP and others before you insult people.

2. The Turks were plain-clothed whose identities were revealed after we had spent some time in custody together; first at Kirkuk Airbase and then at Baghdad Airport.

3. The US Army people who knew about my presence in Iraq included HOC in Kuwait, US Dart Aid North and the CPA in Baghdad. If you are ex-military I can be more specific.

4. I was captured on the 4th of July; end of story. As I was captured with Turkish special forces this was a big story in Turkey. Go to google and enter 'Michael Todd Irak' and you will see all the turkish articles. (The Turks spell Iraq as 'Irak'.

5. Check it out before you insult my daughter and my dead girlfriend. I will not assume you are American and I will forgive you after you have checked out the facts.

6. All I say can be checked out and my case is very strong and the real deal my friend. I predict that you will apologise and become my biggest supporter; thank you in advance brother.

Craven de Kere

Thanks for trying to correct JM and mentioning this web-site.

Learn facts before you comment my friend. If you have the mental capacity to go the distance on this story, be prepared for a long ride. This is a hot one that will stir your soul and change your life around!

Michael Todd.
York, England.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 05:41 am
Assuming that whatever you are saying is true, I can certainly feel for your plight, and have the utmost empathy for your position.

....... and have been enduring similar abuse from another forum.

Is it possible that you have been receiving abuse because you are spamming other forums like you are spamming this one?
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michael todd
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:13 am
My friend, don't assume that what I say is true, take the time to make sure it is because it is a very important story, and you know it.

However, I gladly accept your sentiments but would have rather had them after you had researched the facts.

You will appreciate that this story has the potential for doing damage to those who have enough to deal with at the moment. I am not surprised, therefore, that both George Bush and Tony Blair have done nothing to help me to find my daughter in Iraq.

I totally reject the spamming argument you put forward; I do not spam - end of story. In england 'Spam' is a tinned luncheon meat and I am a vegetarian. This is only the second forum I have ever posted on; the first one was an enlightening experience even though the so called 'ex US servicemen' thought I was pulling a fast one....until they took the time to check out the facts. The abuse has come from two people with others offering support because they have checked out the facts. Some have offered help; you will one day my friend.

Think before you speak brother; you cannot hide from this truth! I look forward to an apology and to welcoming you as a staunch supporter.

Michael Todd.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:24 am

The story told here doesn't surprise me at all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:31 am
I don't consider this spam and I do hope that the thread is not pulled.

I am terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your girlfriend and daughter. I am also at loss for words for what you've gone through. My heart goes out to you.

Don't worry about me being insulted as I can deal with that.

You have my deepest sympathies.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:45 am
michael todd- My reference to "spam" was that this morning you chose to post this same message to two other forum topics.

Yes, if indeed what you say is so, I can understand your frustration. It seems that from your reference, the only mention of your story that I coud find was in the BBC last July.

My suggestion to you is to contact the American media. Americans love human interest stories, and a story like yours, when verified, would probably garner a lot of support for you. Every American TV network has their "newsmagazine" shows. One place where you might start is:


You might also want to contact NBC and ABC.
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michael todd
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:46 am
Hi again Montana,

You mean that threads are removed on this forum? How is this done and who does it?

Such words are comforting and good to read so thank you very much for them. As you might guess, each day is a struggle as I try get things together for the return to Iraq. The worst part is the lack of official help, from either the USA or the UK. The British Foreign Office even said that they could offer no help in getting my child out of Iraq and that they would not issue a passport to her!
More positively though, I have had mail (just now) from someone representing the Turkish government asking when I will be going back and to meet them. If any help comes it will be from the kind-hearted Turks (who gave me permission to enter Iraq in the first place) not from those who seem to prefer blood, oil and money more than truth, love and peace.

Any suggestions you might have about what I should do would be welcome and thanks again!

Hello Bookmark,

If that is you and your child in the picture you are a very lucky man!!! I crave for the moment when I can have my child in my arms and WILL get my daughter, despite the obstacles facing me.

Must go now, will be back tomorrow morning, UK time.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:56 am
Hmm............Just had another idea:


Oprah is immensely popular. If you could get her interested in your story, you would get a lot of exposure.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 06:58 am
Yes, threads are occationally removed if the subject of the thread goes against the user agreement. Spam is one of the things that are against that user agreement and it is the moderators who decide whether a thread will be removed or not.

I wish there was some advice I could give you, but I honestly know nothing about these things.

Phoenix seems to have given you a good place to start though and I agree that the media can be a very powerful tool for you.

I wish you and your daughter the very best.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 07:00 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Hmm............Just had another idea:


Oprah is immensely popular. If you could get her interested in your story, you would get a lot of exposure.

I couldn't agree more. Oprah is huge in the US, and I mean HUGE!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2004 10:12 pm
Re: UK POW SPEAKS AGAIN (I won't be insulted so easily).
michael todd wrote:

Learn facts before you comment my friend. If you have the mental capacity to go the distance on this story, be prepared for a long ride. This is a hot one that will stir your soul and change your life around!

Michael Todd.
York, England.

michael todd,

what is your story? accusations and a short paragraph in the bbc several months ago, do not a story make.
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michael todd
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2004 03:55 am
I am a big-time novice on forums and thought that I may have posted this story on the wrong one. I expected more of a fuss than has been generated so far. I tried to post on the 'larger' ones thinking that more people would read about this story.
You seem knowledgeable about these things so I can respect you for that. That been the case, what can I do to make people know about this story?
I had an interview with NBC in London last year (off camera) before I left for Iraq. That was when I was entering Iraq to give out the soft toys and to find my missing child and girlfriend. After my girlfriend was killed and I was captured NBC have not been in touch. I have the strong belief that this story is far too sensitive for mainstream US corporate media. If you think I am wrong then advise me; of course I would absolutely love it if the big boys and girls took this story, but I don't think they will. Of course I will try though. There is no way Oprah will touch this story; is there?
What are "views" on this forum? Is it the number of people who read the story or what? Confused.

Thanks again for your best wishes; accepted by me and my girl!

You ask "what is your story" and I ask 'what is your problem'? This story has been featured in over 30 countries so please take the time to do the search. Do your homework friend.
What is my story? What a laugh! Well, once upon a time I met a beautiful Iraqi lady.....who the USA bombed to death. Then, when I went to find our love child in Iraq, her grave and to give toys to the kids there......the USA captured me and treated me as a terrorist, holding me as an EPW (that's enemy prisoner of war) for three weeks..........and none of us lived happily ever after as none of those who killed so many care enough to help me find a little girl who still has never seen her daddy.

Sorry it's such a meaningless story for you; maybe you have something more interesting my friend.

Michael Todd.
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