Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 03:32 pm
Re: UK POW SPEAKS AGAIN (I won't be insulted so easily).
michael todd wrote:
.......be prepared for a long ride. This is a hot one that will stir your soul and change your life around!

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Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 04:52 pm
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Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 08:39 pm
I read the websites. I didn't doubt that the Michael Todd posting here is the same Michael Todd, although I suppose there is a chance not. I am very sorry if all that happened and it might have, I don't know. I think brutality happens fairly easily.

I am little wary re the story from all the people who should have listened dismissing it, but that doesn't make me necessarily dismiss it myself.

What bothers me is an agenda tone to your posts that I feel predates all the events, a certain kind of theatricality, a actor's speechifying. This may just be a coincidence, in that you are a performer, and that this all happened to a person who does that. But the "we all will be together my friend" words seem more showy than straightforward, a kind of sales talk going on.

Lawsuit - that seems to be making a noise that will end up signifying nothing.

But I don't know.
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michael todd
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 03:29 am
Goodbye and thanks for the memory !
Thats it folks; I'm off. Good to know you all; I feel enriched through this experience and thank you for your hate, suspicion, love and all the rest. Clearly I picked the wrong place to share this ordeal.

All roads lead to truth !

Michael Todd. Ex Prisoner of War in Iraq / Ex Terrorist Suspect in Iraq.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 04:06 am
LOL! Questioning does not mean hate, Michael Todd.

You do indeed show a theatricality which renders me sceptical - this rather tantrumic exit reinforces my impressions.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 04:24 am
Good luck to you Michael and I sincerely mean that.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 05:02 am
I can't stop thinking about this and I am really beside myself to see the way Mr. Todd is being treated. Yes, there is a chance that he's not telling the truth, but there's just as much of a chance that he is and I am wondering what any of you would lose by giving him the benefit of the doubt. I always tend to put myself in other peoples shoes before I question and judge. If everything he says is true, can you imagine what he went through and continues to go through?

I had my own story to tell about things that had happened to me and I also had plenty of people looking at me as if I had two heads thinking that I wasn't telling the truth, but in time with lots of persistence, I changed the minds of many. Just because it sounds unbelievable, doesn't mean it is.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 05:18 am
A number of people offered belief, suggestions and such, Montana.

Personally, I am quite inclined to believe the basic story - it is the hyperbolic tone that makes me suspicious that there is more than meets the eye here.
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 05:49 am
Sorry if I made it sound like I was just taking about people here. I was actually thinking more about the responses he got from the other forum.

I tend to think his tone is caused by frustration of not having enough support. So far I have seen very little support and compassion going out to this man and I truly feel for him.
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michael todd
Reply Tue 17 Feb, 2004 03:19 am
Sorry my friend, but the implications from you are one of the reasons I no longer post here. I wish you well however.

Thank you for your precious words; I am comforted and encouraged by you. I send my very best to you and will keep you in mind when I get back to Iraq.

You say my words "seem more showy than straightforward" and that "a kind of sales talk going on". You insult your own lack of intellect here my friend. I appreciate the main body of what you say but the part quoted insults my dead girlfriend and my daughter.

Again, this forum has been a fascinating insight into the overlty selfish nature of the human being. Thank you, and goodnight!

My email is [email protected] if any of you want to stay in touch and offer any advice or support.
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Reply Tue 17 Feb, 2004 09:36 am
Perhaps Michael Todd's goodbyes share the same overall qualities and purpose of all CHER's Farewell Tours, except, of course, the very last.

Tis a shame that CDK never got the chance to cross examine Messer Todd. His (Mr Todd's) confession relating to the editing of his original posting on Pravda regarding "errors" in dates demonstrates what some may perceive as a certain literal slipperiness. Perhaps Michael Todd also dissembles when pressed for what the definition of "is" is. But, alas, we will never know.

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Reply Tue 17 Feb, 2004 08:12 pm
michael todd wrote:

You say my words "seem more showy than straightforward" and that "a kind of sales talk going on". You insult your own lack of intellect here my friend. I appreciate the main body of what you say but the part quoted insults my dead girlfriend and my daughter.

I have only respect for your wife and daughter. I am talking about your particular mode of communication, not the actual content of it, which I don't have knowledge enough to contest and have been inclined to accept at face value but perhaps as not fully explained. Which is to say I started out with sorrow that these things could happen.

Your manner of addressing us has been theatrically exhortative in a showmanlike way, rather like a stereotypic car salesman. The manner of address makes me question the content, somewhat, when I hadn't questioned it heavily in the first place. You didn't read that, since I didn't post when I was first reading along on this Topic, but I did have great sympathy early on. I still may. If this is all true I cry for you.

My intellect, such as it is, is not the immediate question. Your sincerity is.

As I said before, the troubles you describe may have happened to a person who enlists others in a theatrical, salesy way... you are a street performer, and that is not a dig. I have friends who have done that. It may just be a coincidence that that is how you know how to talk. Your effort to insult me doesn't change my new doubts, which make me both wonder about the fullness of what you have told, and your personal financial motives for telling it.

I don't ascribe all possible bad motives to you. I am saying, "I don't know."
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michael todd
Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 03:30 am

James, Ossobuco, CDK - come on then, lets deal with this properly !

Lets have a sensible debate, intelligent questioning and I will answer fully with full back-up evidence.

I value your friendship and support more than your suspicions and accusations. Hey, I owe it to my child to get all the help and advice I can so if you want this proper debate (and I mean detailed, heavy stuff here) then lets do it. Play devils advicate all you like; at the end of it all you will.......no I won't say that, I will be accused of theatricals!!!!

Anyway, whoever wants to ask whatever, post here.

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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 10:22 am
What happened to your child. Did you find her? It is a "her" right?
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 02:19 pm
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Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 02:36 pm
Were you interogated by the CIA or was it strictly US Army?
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Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 12:30 am
i have a number of questions too, there are (to me) many holes in this story.
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michael todd
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 03:29 am
Come on good people, those of you who doubt me, throw the questioning stones and throw them fast. Give them to me all and make it worthwhile even clicking on www.able2know.com. I need lots as there are hundreds of answers ready to tame your minds.

Seriously though, give me more and give them to me as hard as you like! I am ready if you are ready !
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Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 04:59 am
Er - perhaps start with the ones you have already been asked?
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Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 10:46 am
michael todd wrote:

I am a British Citizen who entered Iraq on the 13th of June 2003 to search for my missing half Iraqi daughter (aged 2) and to give out soft toys to Iraqi children.

Why was your half-Iraqi daughter still in the country if you knew a war was impending? Why did you not try to get her before the fighting started?

I travelled to Iraq with the full knowledge of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad, the US Embassy in Ankara, the Turkish Prime Minister and also certain units of the US Army.

Did you have documentation of this knowledge? Visa's, permission slips, letter of intent? Anything? I have no idea what you mean when you say they had knowledge.

Despite this, I was forcibly captured by the US Army as I walked down a street in Sulaimaniyah (North Iraq).

Did they jump you from an alcove? Spring on you from pits dug into the street? Was it a checkpoint where they asked for ID?

I was captured on the 4th of July along with soldiers of the Turkish Special Forces and was treated like a terrorist suspect - kicked, beaten and spat at. I was cuffed and a plastic bag was put on my head. On my person was 100% documentary proof as to why I was in Iraq. Despite this I was bundled into a truck along with the non-uniformed Turk soldiers and driven to Kirkuk Airbase.

Why were you hanging out with a bunch of Turkish special forces? What was your 100% documentary proof? Obviously they didn't just pick you out of a crowd and say "Let's mess with that guy!". There must have been something about you that made them detain you.

US soldiers said I was a terrosist. They "accidentally" cut my hand when they took my plastic handcuffs off with a knife and my hearing was permanently impaired the next day when they flew us to Baghdad in a Chinook Helicopter without ear protection.

You imply they cut you on pupose, but what purpose would that serve? Typically they would avoid any permanent scarring or blood drawing because if it were truly nefarious, you would then have evidenciary proof of maltreatment. As far as the helicopter ride, I have no idea as I have never been in a chinook. I'll take your word on that one.

We were all dressed in orange, in a 'Guantanamo Bay' suit, and denied any rights.

Orange jumpsuits make prisoners easily identifiable and easy to track should an escape be attempted. What rights were you denied?

My toe was broken when a soldier kicked me as I lay on the runway at Baghdad Airport, suffering from exhaustion.

Sorry about that, that must have sucked.

The Turks were released on the 6th of July but I remained in custody for three weeks under 24/7 armed guard.

Were you being cooperative? Was your 100% documentation real? There must have been a reason why you were detained so long. I doubt that they just did it to piss you off as they did have other worries such as the insurgency, helping the civilian population, not being shot, etc...

Yes, even as I slept (dreaming of my missing child), M16's were pointed at me just two metres away.

Probably a bit of drama here...



Thanks for reading. For background on this story, go to google.com and enter 'Michael Todd Iraq BBC'.

Michael Todd (Ex Prisoner of War in Iraq)

Well there ya go. Some questions. Not trying to be rude, insulting or anything else. Just some questions regarding your initial post.
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