Answering my own question : for one month, I've been (finally) a happy owner of the machine and I must say it is AWESOME!
The only downsides to it are coming from it's relatively weak light output, which necessitates good light control. Simply, you can't watch films or TV in daylight, you must draw curtains.
(Yes, there are also rainbows, and I can see them (the optical effect of DLP single colorwheel _technology), but I got used to them pretty fast and now I don't notice them at all. )
For watching DVD's, it's superior to anything I've seen so far : plasma screens, LCD monitors, projection TV's, CRT TV's ... It works best with input from a PC, and a good graphics card.
Great color, great contrast (MUCH more important than lumens for watching film material!).
I use it for:
Watching DVD's. 800x600 is naturally the best resolution for DVD's (720x576 with a little black border).
Watching slides : it achieves almost the same quality as classical slide projector, only using scanned (or directly digital) shots. AWESOME!! I went through my photo material 2x since then..
Watching TV (from a Discovery show via news to Sex and the City - only my woman complains the screen is too big
Presenting my software achievements to interested parties, in the privacy of my home.
Programming : when I really feel like a sci-fi fan I am, I use wireless keyboard and the biggest wall.
Watching 3-d pictures (anaglyphs) with 3-d glasses : It's absolutely GLORIOUS to see Mars Rover panoramas this way
No, I don't use it to watch A2K avatars...