Sat 18 Feb, 2012 01:08 am
Lack of human imagination is a question. But, there cannot be infinite time back to its beginning or it would never have got here. An infinite future is also absurd, for any length of time or multiple of it is finite. Time evidently began at the 'Big Bang' - which may simply denote the form time and space takes from its beginning - although it is conceivable that time continued back before that to an absolute beginning. In any case it difficult to conceive of a 'Creator' starting it off since that implies a contradiction of time before time. Also, whatever exists has evolved and therefore the 'creator' is presumably the first stage in that evolution in time. Creation out of absolute nothing is a verbal fantasy - and in fact barely biblical if that matters. If 'god' exists he or it is immanent. Being all infinitely powerful is also a verbal fantasy. An immanent god or non-god is as is necessary to the function. And there is little sign of a god active in human affairs, beyond the god in our own minds.
@RW Standing,
Ditto ! ( last comment this time with respect to your lay concept of "physical reality")