I think this is great, but often many people are called Trolls, just for having opposing views on politics, religion, or any topic. The greatest trolls are the bastards in academia, who moderate many college sponsored forums. Many scholarly trolls, ban people from sites if only they are reported by about 3 lowlifes who have thin skin. Some people do not know how to debate, and when you defend yourself, they for sure report you, then the moderators just boot you. It is apparently a great huge unforgivable insult to humanity, to fairly win a battle of wits with a 14 year old pretending he is 25, even if you use no vulgarity, and you are NOT a racist or a hater, but just love satire debate heated discussion and sarcasm. Sarcasm is beautiful, a sacred art form. Critical skills are valued in our society; every teacher is a type of Troll. Every newspaper has critics. When I was in school there was debating teams, now the liberals try to avoid arguing. I love arguing with trolls, unless they are the trolls moderating the college and formal forums on language; they are monkeys; baboons to be specific; i mean that as a behavioral observation, not a racial slur.