Just an update... have been through anger bargaining etc., seem to be reaching acceptance. (Yes, this is minor in the scheme of things.)
Basically the city tree guys said that the power company has been trying to get people to plant trees responsibly for
50 years, and that this is just kinda inevitable.
They've been working on our area for a few weeks, a little of this, a little of that (over a large area).
One good thing we found out is that it doesn't matter if a vertical trunk is within 10 feet of a power line. They don't really care about that part. So that saves SOME of the huge old elm next door. It won't be chopped down to nothing, or just a tall stump.
But about half of it is gonna go.
They already did one phase on the tree (the power lines are on two sides, east and north, and they did the street side but will come back for the other side), they were relatively careful though, not the butchers we came to expect. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or if there were a lot of people with much-loved trees who did a lot to prepare the ground, so to speak, and this crew is being extra careful.
There have been some toppings though on our street. Ugh.