nimh wrote:Heh, Kevin, I think BigDice was joking about Vanilla and Hammer ...
I could add MC Miker G and DJ Sven - Holiday Rap, yehoo! <grins>
Didnt Vanilla Ice come back a coupla years back claiming to have been ****ed over by his then-record company? Saying that, really, he'd been way street cred, but they'd forced him to sell out? Yeeeaaahhh - right. Anyway, I think he was claiming he had suffered years of ridicule for it, never found his way back again, and that I believe! ;-)
So, a year or two or three or four (I can't count very high with my mittens on) ago, I turned on the tube, flipped around, landed on an MTV show where they were retiring videos -- videos that were never to be broadcast again. So I watched awhile. I think the hosts were Janeane (sp?) Garafalo (sp?), Ben Stiller, and Dennis Leary, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, the set was this faux attic room with faux attic-room-renter furniture. Sometime during the show, Mr. Ice (Vanilla to friends, I'm sure) comes in all pierced and corporate alt-rocky. The hosts ridicule him mercilessly, and he gets irritated and quarter-jokingly startes busting up the set. Throwing lamps around, tossing furniture, while the other folks look on in abject something-or-other. Haven't watched that vile network since. (I mean, if they're going to retire a Rick Springfield video I'm going to boycott, you know?)