I think the keywords 'spacetime' and 'vacuum zero-point energy' might
be excellent for searching the google.
As far as I understand, the General Relativity says there is no empty space, there is always at least gravity which is really 'space-time' .
I also think the other theory Quantum physics says there is no such thing as a vacuum, there is a sea of unseen movement going on there, a lot of particles appearing and immediately disappearing.
And I believe other theories, esp. String theory agree with Quantum theory and add or remove some details.
Recently (last years) there is a popular 'dark energy' thing that exists everywhere unseen and accelerates the universe...
My point is, good ol' atom seems to be the odd one here :wink: .
I believe there is a lot to be discovered in the 'emptiness' - be it
inside or outside us