joefromchicago wrote:It's not hard to follow at all:
So you say, but then you prove by demonstration that you're not following.
joefromchicago wrote: you can make your own pharmaceutical decisions
. . . one of which may well be to take my doctor's or the FDA's advice . . .
joefromchicago wrote:because you know more about your medical condition than your doctor,
I never said I always do. I
can know more about it if I inform myself. Sometimes I decide to inform myself, sometimes I don't. My point is that this choice is ultimately
mine, not my doctor's or the FDA's.
joefromchicago wrote:yet you're perfectly fine with the FDA telling consumers in general what drugs they should take, even though they know as much about their own medical conditions as you do of your own (or they could, and if they don't it's their own damn fault).
There's no "yet" about it. I think people should have both options: do their own research and be their own authority, or let others do it for them and defer to theirs.
joefromchicago wrote: You just miss the point that consumers are in the same position with regard to the FDA as you are to your doctor.
I am aware of that. That's why I support Obamacare, which will force me to pay my share in everyone's medical bills. Indeed, I don't support it, I oppose it for not going far enough; I prefer Edward Kennedy's "Medicare for all" plan. Under both plans, though, the government forces me to pay my share in everyone's medical bills. And when I go to the doctor, whose bills everybody in my now-mandatory insurance pool pays, I'll have the option of deferring to her advice---or not. That's
exactly the role I want for the FDA. I emphatically
do get the point that consumers are in the same position regarding the FDA as regarding their doctors.
joefromchicago wrote: If they are (or can be) smarter than the FDA, then why even bother having the FDA in the business of dispensing opinions,
Because deferring to the FDA's opinion
can be a valuable option because their opinion is well informed, whereas mine isn't until I inform myself. Options need not be mandatory to have value.
joefromchicago wrote:After all, if the FDA's opinions are so valuable, then people will be willing to pay for those opinions.
Not on the free market they won't. Positive externality. Market failure. Government corrects it. We've been over this territory.
joefromchicago wrote:I sympathize with your frustration. I often run into the problem where I understand somebody's argument better than that person does. I suspect this might be one of those times.

Unlike the FDA, I won't enforce my judgment that I'm better at knowing my position than you are.
Thomas wrote:Providing truthful information may be a public good, but who gets to decide whose truth and whose good?
Ideally, a well-funded organization of independent researchers, appointed by an administration elected by the general public and dedicated to the general welfare. This view may sound fictitious when a President Santorum may soon appoint a faith healer as FDA chief. But until that happens, the fiction is realistic enough to justify the FDA being in the business of dispensing pharmaceutical opinions.
joefromchicago wrote: Certainly, the proponents of Laetrile would question the truthfulness and objectivity of the FDA, yet you're willing to say not only that the FDA is right, but that the proponents of Laetrile shouldn't even be allowed to state their case -- even though you're more than willing to let them sell their product.
should be free to make their case. They just shouldn't be free to commit fraud. Judging by your and Setanta's description, Laetrile may not be able to make their case without committing fraud. If so, they shouldn't be able to make their case. But that's not because it's their case, but because it's fraud.
joefromchicago wrote: It can't be because the FDA is so smart -- after all, you're smarter than your doctor, and that didn't require any training on your part at all.
There you go again, jumping to conclusions with the power of your prejudices. Yes, it did require some training. But being self-trained is different from not being trained.