hingehead wrote:
That's a nice simple definition, I believe society and cooperation drag us beyond zero-sum, which is why so many of us have so much more than we once had, but very few have less. Especially if you consider we started with nothing except a bunch of lower Maslow needs, opposable thumbs and oversized braincages.
Dadpad could use an English lesson... Since I am doing your home work, let me explain the situation... People conceive of the good in life through abstract forms, and these forms are infinite moral forms like justice, or tranquility, or welfare, or liberty, or defense, or unity... Did I leave any out??? It is out of these abstract moral forms that people build social forms, to bring the infinite forms to a finite reality... The problem lies in the fact that people cannot define what is infinite... We may judge a particular act just, for example without being able to better say what justice is as an infinite, and no number of examples except an infinite number of examples can get us closer to a definition of Justice... While we may all agree objectively that the goals or our government are good and worthy, there will always be a difference of opinion on how those goods should be achieved... People are correct to say my good is the good I wish government to achieve, but from first to last our government has always been in the power of people who accept as proved that their good is the good forseen and sought by the constitution, and since government gives them the power, their good, and the good of their friends is the good they work to achieve, and if that means spreading good far and wide, or misery, it is all about equal in their eyes...
Dadpan uses the word Haywire... Things have gone wrong at the top, but such behavior would be impossible if we were not all corrupted... Immigrants coming to this land are already corrupted by our money and the desire to escape their misery... They may be personally moral, moral within their own communities, and yet, look at all of us as so many sheep to be sheared, and others born here and citizens by heredity of long standing may feel the same... We have to achieve the goods, the virtue envisioned by the constitution together....When it becomes a foot race to good, with the first one to get there taking all, then we are all losers...I am not going to tell you the problem is all at the top... The social form is the problem, though the goals are good... But, we are the problem too, since people will not change their forms, especially when they do not know what a form is, and if they are benefitting in some fashion from the form, they will not change it though millions suffer...People have to be taught to have a wider field of vision, to see our good as their good...It is defeat which most often teaches people to be moral which victory never teaches... Those who never show mercy are the first to ask for it....
Look; we have had half baked notions like social darwinism to justify the injustice throughout our society, and racial theory as well... We have no idea how many people have been robbed of their birth right, and even their right to reproduce themselves so that whole family lines have passed away...It is possible for a society to die by halves, and still die... Rome first depopulated itself by abortion, sterilizations, and celebacy before it was over run... For my entire life time there has been a social program called social security that encouraged people to have less children by denying them both the need to and the income to do so, and now that what was sown by generations is not there to be reaped what alternative have we but to work ourselves do death with jobs we can't even buy??? Consider how often the capital of generation is drained away with a reverse mortgage, and people have nothing left to pass to the next generation??? Consider how many family farms become corporate farms when corporation alreay control our entire food supply, and how people driven from the land as free peasant farmers become hand to mouth wage laborers with nothing to show for generations of labor... The country people are inclined to look at government as the problem, but it is finance left ungoverned that is the real enemy of the people, and the government is only a whipping boy...If the goverment has to ruin the middle class with taxes to pay the rich money it has borrowed from the rich when, if the rich were not already in charge they might tax the rich, then it is not their problem, the problem of capital and government, but our problem as well...
A government can work if funded, and since the government stands behind all titles, and this land is a commonwealth, it has the right to tax the commonwealth even in private hands... If the rich have money to loan the government it has money to pay taxes which the rest of us do not... But the middle/working classes killed by taxes are too kind to wish taxes on the only people who can afford them, because they admire the rich, and wish only to trade places with them to ease their misery, and not add to their responsibility to society... They parrot the rich in their hatred of civic responsibility and taxes, so the problem can hardly be called a problem for the rich... It is our problem, and we have to withdraw our own heads from the ass of our fantasy lives... We are never going to be rich, and we need to quit taking their side against humanity...