ebrown_p , thank you for your post.
Yes, I was being a little sluggish in presenting my thoughts. I will try to restate this in different words.
(Since the previous post I also noticed some details..)
Let's say we have this
observer A sitting on top of a big lens. Behind him at some distance
f from the lens is a white screen, where the image comes into focus , from the light passing through the lens.
The light is coming in from 'infinity' - the rays are parallel - and at the speed of light
What happens to the light when it enters the lens? Well, it slows down a bit to some speed
c1, and this causes it to change direction. Since the surface of lens is spherical, with radius
R, all parallel rays converge to a single point on the screen behind (positioned at focal length
Now the angles of rays relative to the lens are
phi1 on the incoming side, and
phi2 on the outgoing side. Because of the equation
c/c1 = sin(phi1)/sin(phi2) the rays converge to a focal point.
Observer B sees observer A , together with the lens and screen, passing by at a great speed
v, which is say 98% of speed of light.
Because of this great speed, the lens and the distance between the lens and the screen, are contracted in the direction of movement. The distance now becomes
f' < f and the radius of the lens is now
R' > R.
Observer B sees rays of light entering the lens, going through the lens, and converging towards the screen.
Now imagine the frozen frame of the scene that B sees: the geometrical equation
c'/c1' = sin(phi1')/sin(phi2') should still hold. The speed
c does not change
(c'=c), since the speed of light in vacuum is the same for all observers, whereas
phi1', phi2' and
c1' can be different than
phi1, phi2 and
We know that a lens with longer focal length has greater
R, so since
R'>R it should be also
if the lens still focuses the image on screen.
But we also know that
f'<f (because of contraction of f), so the only possible answer to this is that the refractive index of the lens is now greater, thus shortening the effective focal length.
And refractive index is
c/c1 for the lens as seen by A, and
c/c1' for the lens as seen by B.
c/c1 < c/c1', therefore c1'<c1. Thus the speed of light going through the lens, as seen by B, will be less than the speed of light going through the lens as seen by A.
Since the contraction of
f' and extension of
R' is not limited, refractive index
c/c1' is also not limited and we can get
c1' as small as we want if we pick large enough
Now I am not saying this is absolutely correct or that this is in any contradiction with Relativity nor anything like that.
It just seems interesting to me that the
speed of light in glass would slow down when the glass is moving with a high speed
I wonder if my thinking is correct, though