Fri 16 Dec, 2011 10:52 pm
is it not important to inform and understand this part of Human history ?
Interesting, yes. But important? In what way? For what purpose? And to whom? (That word "important" is a semantic trap.)
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:
Interesting, yes. But important? In what way? For what purpose? And to whom? (That word "important" is a semantic trap.)
to be informed about Ancient history , gives us an understanding of where we come come from and where we are going
Unfortunately, most of our knowledge of this period of history is conjectural at best inasmuch as a great deal of it is really 'pre-history,' information gleaned from archeological digs and not supported by written records.
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:
Unfortunately, most of our knowledge of this period of history is conjectural at best inasmuch as a great deal of it is really 'pre-history,' information gleaned from archeological digs and not supported by written records.
not true
while archeology has its digs , there is a vast amount of hieroglyphics that has been decoded and understood
whether we are talking of Egyptian or Mayan records
re North:
Nothing "written" in the sense we usually use it, from before 4000 bce, which is what the OP is talking about, tho some possible early consistent symbol usage (of unknown meaning), from before that.
Writing able to convey complex thoughts and pretty much whatever someone wanted to express only emerged around 3000 bce in the old world and in the Late Preclassic, a couple centuries before 1 ce in the Americas.