My mom saved a lot of books from when I was a kid, but they were stored someplace dark and dank and damp, (hey is "dank" just "dark" + "damp"?) and several of them are moldy.
One, "Carter is A Painter's Cat", was nonetheless read to sozlet at arm's length, and she LOVES the story and the illustrations, as I remember loving it when I was a kid. She keeps requesting it, and I thought I'd buy a new paperback version, looked for it on Amazon. Found out it is out of print, but ooh, one copy available...! $99!!
Have looked all over the web, that seems to be the only copy extant. (No wonder $99, I guess...)
Is there any way to take the book down a notch or two on the stink meter? It seems to be the inside covers that have the main problem, then the first couple and last couple of pages, with residual stinkiness throughout.
It was published in 1971.