OmSigDAVID wrote:
parados wrote:I think truth is often stranger than fiction.
Fido wrote:Truth is only a more realistic form of fiction... No one ever knows the truth to tell, and those who sense the truth, the broader social truth must tell it by analogy...
We cannnot really bear how we look... If we had ex ray vision we would blind ourselves rather than see too much of what we are, what we do, and wht goes on... If you dare look hard at us and you are not wearing some weired glasses, then you must have the protection of drugs or ideology... It can kill you... It kills people to see humanity because the sight
is so depressing and hopeless...
Please tell us
WHO it has killed ??????????
dispute that anyone has been killed by that.
I have known a lot of moral people who drank themselves to death, but many artists like Van Gogh who really dared to live a Christian life at one point, and really dared to picture the working class as they were, flaws, flies and all, and then all the philosophers dieing like Socrates, thinking life is a disease that only death can cure...
Now; I do not think as they must have thought... I am not a true introvert, and I do not shun relationships as so many philosophers have out of the fear of the mortal danger of attachments, and I do not believe as Kant that good comes out of the mindless struggle between good and evil that drives all progress as peace and justice never would...
Like Faustus, I have made my deal with the devil, and if I ever say: enough, then he can take me, and I never will...Good only has meaning to the living and only has meaning to us so long as we live, and the real evil is done by those who believe in evil and expect something better in some next life when they have been forgiven the damage they have done... I expect no second chance at life... I do not seek forgiveness, but do not justify my wrong; not the wrong I do, nor the wrong I endure...
I have looked hard at humanity, and your evil, like my own no longer drives me to depression, or drugs... Nor have I joined your side, and celebrate the injury of human kind... Reality has empowered me... To see clearly is to see what is to be done, and what impediments must be overcome...At the same time, I recognize that reality is not for everyone, not for the unwilling, or the unable to accept...
Fiction is for those who cannot face the facts, for whom reality must come clothed in Anaolgy and Symbol, and Euphemism...Reality and reason have only the most limited ability to change human kind, and those changes we can see wrought in human beings can be seen in art, and other forms, which are all forms of relationship...
All the changes of humanity, which are changes of mind are reflected in art and pushed forward by art until they result in changed social forms like government or religion... All human progress requires a change of forms, and the art of one day becomes the fashion of the next and all too soon passe' as the minds of people revert, or move forward...
If we should see that the material progress of humanity is built upon a justifaction of evil and a denial of good even by religion as much as by philosophy, then who will dare tear up the foundation stones of this great edifice upon which so much suffering hangs???