@Green Witch,
edgarblythe wrote:Relax and smile. Your features are not ugly.
I think it is poor body language or something of the sort that puts the guys off.
Green Witch wrote:Totally agree. Attitude trumps looks.
You need to learn to work what you've got instead of worrying about what you don't.
I agree, too.
A few years ago, I attended a speaker's meeting of a political organization.
Altho I have always considered myself to be bad looking,
I gotta say:
that speaker was
WORSE looking in the face.
I have no idea what must have happened to him
in earlier years, but his face was
not normal,
but he was
ENTHUSIASTIC and well informed concerning
his area of expertise. Strangely, he even had a beautiful wife
with him, and a daughter, who had not inherited whatever bad luck
had befallen his face. This guy was very successful, professionally,
and he was eagerly received. His enthusiasm was as tho he had a normal appearance.
He just
forgot about his looks and he made the most of what he had to offer:
his knowledge and his advice to the audience.
I also have done a lot of public speaking.
When I do, I am always concerned with the subject matter
of my presentation, not with my personal appearance;
and my attention has been
Maybe it will help u if u concentrate your attention outward
and do not be self-conscious.