Sun 25 Sep, 2011 06:46 pm
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm not really sure what neutrinos possibly moving faster than light have to do with trucking and over-regulation.
If trucking wasn't so heavily regulated then everything would travel faster than light.
It's Obama's fault. Don't you get that?
Oh, of course you're right, parados. Silly of me not to have realized that everything is Obama's fault. I'm sure it's his fault the Red Sox have lost most of their games in September too. How do their uniforms and balls and bats get to their next set of games? By truck. I've seen the trucks leaving Fenway Park after each home stand. Clearly Obama caused their collapse, clear as the nose on gunga's face.
N0, that's the curse of the Bambino when it comes the the Red Sox.
God can only guess how Gunga would spell Bambino.
Nah, we broke the Curse seven years ago. Now it's Obama's fault.