Pease pudding
•1 lb (450 g) dried peas
•1 medium sized onion
•2 teaspoons salt
•1 oz (28 g) butter
•1 egg (beaten)
1.Soak the peas overnight in cold water and then drain.
2.Peel and chop the onion quite finely and put in a saucepan with the peas and salt. Cover with cold water.
3.Bring the pan to the boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 hours until the peas are soft.
4.Drain the peas and onion and either push them through a sieve or puree them in an electric blender.
5.Return the puree to a clean saucepan and place over a very low heat.
6.Add the butter, beaten egg, and pepper to taste and stir all the time until the mixture is hot.
Note: Especially good wiith boiled ham and roast pork.