Thank you GracieGirl - that's very nice of you to say. I always really like your questions. That's why I answer so many of them. I think you ask interesting questions that make me think about things I'd otherwise not think about.
I would put down that I'm following you, except that I don't want to put down that I'm following anyone just out of principle because I don't like to make people feel left out or forgotten by insinuating that I find other people more interesting or valuable and that they're not.
Sort of like how when I was in school and if you had a birthday party in the school year, if you were going to hand out the invitations at school, you had to invite the whole class so no one would feel left out or forgotten or hurt.
Same thing on here. Each poster is a person with feelings- that's why I don't participate in any of the birthday threads- which also tend to illustrate who people feel is worthy and who people don't even think about. You know?
I just treat everyone equally.
Because I answer posts based on subject matter - not based on personality or the poster. If I'm interested in the subject I'll answer - if I'm not, I won't- and I don't care who posts it. But I've never been one for cliques - or a joiner - even when I was in junior highschool and especially not now that I'm an adult. I've escaped all that- thank GOD!
My dog is golden retriever too! At least partly. We got her in a shelter and she's a mix, so we're not exactly sure what all she is.
But yeah, she is ten so she's getting up there, although she still bounds around like a puppy. Probably because we walk so much together. She really is my companion and beautiful on the outside and the inside.
I was thinking about it because I took her to a friend's place this weekend as he'll be watching her for me while I'm in the US and he said that everytime I left the room she seemed very anxious and distressed until I came back. She doesn't do that at home, so I think it was because she was in a strange place, but it made me think about how she'd feel if I never came back. You know - dogs can't understand death and permanence, etc. So that's why I was thinking about that.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.