JGoldman10 wrote:What movies are popular with them besides HARRY POTTER, which I DETEST, ...

But I
love Harry Potter.
(Well, actually, I much prefer the novels to the movies.

Quote:What types of things are TODAY'S KIDS into these days?
Just ask DoubleA-Ron (AKA DDAAron15).
They are into video games and ipads
i think comics can be another kind book for adults, not aimed at children. it is just a way to tell story. and the story can be appreciated by people of all ages, especially the elderly and the children because adults are busy with making money but retirees and kids have some leisure to read books that really interest them. also you can write electronic versions of comics with the help of internet
Okay. What about cartoons and video games?
The following is my observation as a high school teacher. I appreciate the young person who responded to give us an idea of things from her perspective. However she sounds more like a millennial than a Gen-z. No disrespect, but this is now 2021-22 and her post seems to be somewhat outdated. My son and daughter, ages 32 and 28 years grew up watching and listening to what she listed from her perspective. Today, there is TIKTOK and Instagram reels that are consuming much of their attention. Forte Night has been their video game of choice, which may now be old news. Many are using YouTube to post videos in hopes of earning fame and fortune. Facebook is for the elderly in the young group's book. The Marvel movies and favorite characters are big with this group. Thor's brother Loki is a good villain that most seem to sympathize with. HipHop and Rap are the mainstream music among the young generation. There are some popular Pop artists i.e., Billy Eilish and Lady Gaga, Post Malone, Khalid, Drake, Taylor Swift and Beyonce. As far as social movements go, they generally support social justice and equality for minorities and LGBTQ and are very vocal about it. They are more politically motivated that the previous generation and are very concerned about ecology and climate change. They do not believe in waiting to have sex and marriage is no longer a top priority. I hope I've helped. As for religion, they have many questions and concerns about Biblical laws which they consider ancient and not relevant for these times. Many still believe in God, whereas, others who have unanswered questions are professing to be Agnostic or Atheist. There is a movement to worship animals and nature rather than God. These are my observations. I hope I've helped.
Is '80s and '90s slang still in use? If I were to write any stories that used '80s and '90s slang would kids today know what I was talking about?
Is breakdancing still popular?
Get your mat and ghetto blaster and find out.
This is a forum where most of the posters are of pensionable age, it's not the best place to ask what kids are into today.
But people here have kids and grandkids.
Hi. Thank you for responding.
I meant to pose the following questions with you:
Is '80s and '90s slang still in use? If I were to write any stories that used '80s and '90s slang would kids today know what I was talking about?
Is breakdancing still popular?