Fri 29 Jul, 2011 01:17 pm
I heard that There is a unlettered man in Islam who miraculously, in an intuition, whole Quran came in her memory and after this, he would have read Quran without book and without any mistake . are there such a miracle in Christianity? according to my research, this miracle is well-known among the Muslim. Please help me about this problem that has created a risk for my faith.
Trolling for Allah, there, Buddy?
I knew a priest who could down an entire pitcher of PAbst without burping, puking, or stopping.
It was indeed a miracle.
I'll tell you what a miracle is.
Finding a plumber on the weekend.
I prefer real mayo to MiracleWhip.
@Lustig Andrei,
Hey Merry, long time no see. Hows dah weather in Hawaaiaa?
We can find em, but they increase their fees.
Hiya, farmer. Weather's perfect. My heart goes out to y'all who are suffering on the East Coast of the mainland.
(It was 31 degrees F. atop Mauna Kea at 7 p.m. one night about a week ago. In July.)
@Lustig Andrei,
Damn you, Whats the hottest it was in Hawawawaiaaa. You moved FROM New ENgland didnt you?
You ask what's the hottest here in the Sandwich Islands. I moved from 96 in the shade Boston to Hilo, HI where I've not experienced anything above 80 degrees F. in the couple of years I've been a resident here. (When I was living up in Volcano, on the Big Island, we did have frost a couple of mornings two winters ago but that's 4,000 ft. above sea level.) Interesting trivia fact (You can look it up): the highest temperature ever recorded anywhere in Hawaii since records have been kept is the exact same as the highest ever recorded in Alaska -- 100 degrees F. in each case.
mjd1361 wrote:
I heard that There is a unlettered man in Islam who miraculously, in an intuition, whole Quran came in her memory and after this, he would have read Quran without book and without any mistake . are there such a miracle in Christianity? according to my research, this miracle is well-known among the Muslim. Please help me about this problem that has created a risk for my faith.
I would not consider this a miracle at all. It is so easy to fake this sort of thing. Memorizing the quran and pretending that you didn't sounds like something a muslim would try to pull off to gain some kind of recognition. I wouldn't trust this as a miracle.