Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 02:06 am
Unfortunately Islam and Christianity both seem to be hijacked by hate mongers, more concerned in the things that make us different than that which unites us. Good luck, you seem to have a lot in common with Idries Shah, a man who's writings I admire greatly.

Unfortunately a lot of people equate Islam with 9/11, and that's it. They don't want to know anything else, it's easier to see Moslems as a bunch of savages, than confront the truth. I'm a long term advocate of Palestinian rights, and until those people are given justice the spectre of Islamic terrorism will never go away.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 03:42 am
izzythepush wrote:
Unfortunately a lot of people equate Islam with 9/11, and that's it.

But we do know that 9/11 was a direct result of religious ideology. I am not talking about specifically from islam but instead from zionist christians. The whole reason the palastinian hijackers crashed those planes into those buildings was a direct protest for isreal stealing their home land and killing their people without any consequences. The US backs and supports israel's genocide on the palestinian people for several reasons. These zionists want to see jesus return but first they have to help a prophecy to fulfill itself and that requires getting all the "foreigners" out of israel. The next step is to rebuild the temple but they can't because there is a masque in the way. The only way to get the temple rebuilt is to either accidentally destroy the masque or to just take over the land it sits on an forcefully take it over. Both of these will cause tremendous out crying from muslims and a whole lot of people will be murdered on both sides.

So yes, this whole mideastern problem is 100% induced because of religion.

izzythepush wrote:

They don't want to know anything else, it's easier to see Moslems as a bunch of savages, than confront the truth. I'm a long term advocate of Palestinian rights, and until those people are given justice the spectre of Islamic terrorism will never go away.

I'm with you on palestinian rights and I sympathize with their plight. I wouldn't want a foreign country to come into my home and tell me to get the hell out and I doubt anyone else would yet that is exactly what is happening to them. The ONLY time anyone cares about rights is when it is their own personal rights. They don't care if someone else's rights are being violated.

All three religions, judaism, christianity and islam are exactly the same religion. That is the ironic thing since all three hate and despise each other. They don't really care about the people, they just want religious supremacy in their religion and to hell with everyone else.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 03:51 am
Krumple wrote:

The whole reason the palastinian hijackers crashed those planes into those buildings was a direct protest for isreal stealing their home land and killing their people without any consequences. .

I didn't think I'd be in agreement with you on much, but I do agree with most of what you've written except for the above quotation. The men who hijacked the planes on 9/11 were not Palestinian, they were primarily Saudi and Egyptian.

On a note 60% of what the major world religions preach is the same. If you narrow that to the Abrahamic religions, it's more like 80%. Unfortunately those with the loudest voices tend to focus on the 2o%/40% that divides. How much better would the world be if we all focussed on the 80%/60% that unites most people?
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 06:11 am
izzythepush wrote:
I didn't think I'd be in agreement with you on much, but I do agree with most of what you've written except for the above quotation. The men who hijacked the planes on 9/11 were not Palestinian, they were primarily Saudi and Egyptian.

Well excuse me then, everything I read about the hijackers said they were either native palestinians or sympathizers who had families in palestine.

izzythepush wrote:

On a note 60% of what the major world religions preach is the same. If you narrow that to the Abrahamic religions, it's more like 80%. Unfortunately those with the loudest voices tend to focus on the 2o%/40% that divides. How much better would the world be if we all focussed on the 80%/60% that unites most people?

Well your numbers might be right but there is another factor to consider. Even within the christian numbers within the US very few denominations agree and will sometimes even to battle over who is the true christian. So I can see even though there might be a lot of muslims that doesn't mean that they all get along or see eye to eye which actually doesn't help to unite but instead it causes fragmentation and bickering. Everyone wants their special brand to be the leader but there is just too many differences to allow that sort of thing to happen. My theory of why it would never happen is because religion is subjective and all the concepts within the religion are subjective because there is no objective metaphysical truth. Well if there is, no one has found it yet.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 07:28 am
Someone once said Religion is the Devil's best invention.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:35 am
usmankhalid665 wrote:

Islam is the last, and final religion, after Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the last Prophet giving this message to mankind. The word Islam means voluntary, total and full submission to the words and orders of the creator, ALLAH (s.w.t) the one and only creator, the creator of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). Islam is a full, comprehensive religion and code of life which contains all the instructions for the different aspects of life - health, nutrition economic, education, science, morality etc. - for the individual male and female, for the family and for the society at large. Its rules and orders are permanently fixed, forever, applying to any one place at any one time.
please visit:http://www.azhar.jp/info/halal-eng/halal5.html#dhabh
total detail of slaughtering of animals......................................

Not to demean the prophet, or Islam; but we all hear God, but only a few like Jesus, or Moses, or Mohamid choose to listen... And; God has a certain message for every people... Clearly, The Angel talking to Mohamid knew the Arabs, and their culture, and tailored a message they could both hear and follow... That is good for them; but we are different and with a different culture and history... We know without being told how to live the good and moral life... We do not need angels or prophets to tell us how to be just... All we need, that perhaps even God cannot give, is the will to live as God would command us, which is not according to some dead writing in any book, but according to the writing in our hearts...No book in any language can tell any person how to behave in ever circumstance... The more general are the admonitions the more one must apply themselves to their understanding... The ten commandments are plenty if we will hear them; but we only need the one: To love God, and our fellow human beings... What is so impossible about that??? How much paper and ink does it take to make people think???
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:36 am
usmankhalid665 wrote:

Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.
We all submit, and no matter how harrassed by sin our lives are, we will some day know peace...
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:39 am
roger wrote:

Tell us about the requirements involved in slaughtering animals, since we are forbidden to hurt them.
One will be held to account provided you are a Jew or a Christian; but what that has most often meant is that we should not spill the blood, that being the life of the animal... Humans, provided we can objectify them well enough may have their blood spilled a plenty... And with no problem...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:44 am
izzythepush wrote:

Someone once said Religion is the Devil's best invention.
White magic grew out of black magic, and each shares many of the same characteristics... If you Accept Allah, meaning the one God common to Christians, Muslims, and Jews; then you more or less reject the power of evil and of evil spirits out of hand... I trust such spirits have no more power than what we give to them... Yet for all we know, God does little for mankind that mankind does not do for ourselves... The question I would pose is: Do you really need a God, The God, to act as though God exists and cares what you do to others??? Cut out the middle man, and learn to relate to others as they are: FAMILY...

Look at how the Muslim prays, and how he devotes himself to God... There is a lesson there for all the willing, but the lesson I take is this: Why prays many times a day when you can pray but once, and make the prayer last the whole day through??? Life is a constant prayer, and a drop of hope in a sea of trouble... Let not a moment pass without a consideration for the good, and praise Allah with every action...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:46 am
Fido wrote:
We all submit, and no matter how harrassed by sin our lives are, we will some day know peace...

Just more gibberish? What does it mean when you say, "know peace"?

Submit? Why is it necessary to submit to something in which hides itself and leaves noting but a notion, a guess? I wouldn't ever submit to something that was so evasive that it could not face me directly. If that god punishes me for behaving like this then I will gladly go into that punishment because I would not want to associate with such a being.

Here is a thing that no theist can answer. Why is sin a sin? What makes it a sin? Just because a being says so? That's it? No other explanation than, "Because I said so..."?
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:50 am
Krumple wrote:

Here is a thing that no theist can answer. Why is sin a sin? What makes it a sin? Just because a being says so? That's it? No other explanation than, "Because I said so..."?

William Blake had the answer, the split between the real and the imagined. We need to move to the imagined, 'sin' ties us to the real
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 08:52 am
Krumple wrote:

Fido wrote:
We all submit, and no matter how harrassed by sin our lives are, we will some day know peace...

Just more gibberish? What does it mean when you say, "know peace"?

Submit? Why is it necessary to submit to something in which hides itself and leaves noting but a notion, a guess? I wouldn't ever submit to something that was so evasive that it could not face me directly. If that god punishes me for behaving like this then I will gladly go into that punishment because I would not want to associate with such a being.

Here is a thing that no theist can answer. Why is sin a sin? What makes it a sin? Just because a being says so? That's it? No other explanation than, "Because I said so..."?
You must have a very stiff neck, but some times the good and bad of life will bring you to your knees, and only a power you cannot grasp will pick you up and set you on your path... Whether we shall choose or not we will all submit, sooner or later, and we will know peace, either before death when we can enjoy it or after when we will know nothing...

Every sin has the same quality: That each is an injury to mankind, and an affront to God... So what if the God does not exist... There is still sin so long as there is injury because with injustice the wounds do not heal, but inflame and fester until more injustice grows out of it... We can kill them all and take no prisoner leaving none to feel the injustice, but we are then the injured party since to strike humanity is to feel the blow... We are one family... We are one humanity... We all have a bit of the story of mankind, our great adventure... They are not animals, and we should not be animals... Rather, though God may not live as we know life to mean, still devils live in the form of man, and we should reject that being, and accept the being of goodness and understanding...
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 09:02 am
Fido wrote:
You must have a very stiff neck, but some times the good and bad of life will bring you to your knees, and only a power you cannot grasp will pick you up and set you on your path... Whether we shall choose or not we will all submit, sooner or later, and we will know peace, either before death when we can enjoy it or after when we will know nothing...

Yeah I didn't think you could actually answer my questions but I thought I would ask them anyways.

No, life never has one over on me and it is never more than I can handle and I don't need some invisible friend to sooth me when I'm having a rough day. I understand that things can't always go the way I expect or want them to. I also know that things can't always go badly either, and pain is never permanent (Despite what you will try to argue). Death has nothing on me, I don't care about what happens to me after I am dead because I know that there won't be a me or I to care. There is no god but if there is, he is lousy at being a god. Punishing people for disbelief? Punishing people for things he purposely made available? Punishing people who he would already know (if he were omniscient) would never accept his existence without evidence.

The simple fact of allowing a being to suffer for ever over a finite decision is so cruel I can't believe there is anyone who actually thinks that is just.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 09:03 am
izzythepush wrote:

Krumple wrote:

Here is a thing that no theist can answer. Why is sin a sin? What makes it a sin? Just because a being says so? That's it? No other explanation than, "Because I said so..."?

William Blake had the answer, the split between the real and the imagined. We need to move to the imagined, 'sin' ties us to the real
A person who does not, cannot feel guilt is not a human being.... Kierkagard was right that in relation to God man suffers as guilty... It is an essential element of social being that we offend and give offense, that we bump and weave our way through life, and that we kill to live... Okay; then knowing that, what will we do to make it right and what will we try to do feeling no guilt???
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 09:08 am
Krumple wrote:

Fido wrote:
You must have a very stiff neck, but some times the good and bad of life will bring you to your knees, and only a power you cannot grasp will pick you up and set you on your path... Whether we shall choose or not we will all submit, sooner or later, and we will know peace, either before death when we can enjoy it or after when we will know nothing...

Yeah I didn't think you could actually answer my questions but I thought I would ask them anyways.

No, life never has one over on me and it is never more than I can handle and I don't need some invisible friend to sooth me when I'm having a rough day. I understand that things can't always go the way I expect or want them to. I also know that things can't always go badly either, and pain is never permanent (Despite what you will try to argue). Death has nothing on me, I don't care about what happens to me after I am dead because I know that there won't be a me or I to care. There is no god but if there is, he is lousy at being a god. Punishing people for disbelief? Punishing people for things he purposely made available? Punishing people who he would already know (if he were omniscient) would never accept his existence without evidence.

The simple fact of allowing a being to suffer for ever over a finite decision is so cruel I can't believe there is anyone who actually thinks that is just.
I am certain you miss my point... Life itself is humbling, and it will make you submit either to the laws of men as you see them, or to the laws of God as your recieve them... Until you have been drained... Until you have gone through some experience that takes everything out of you, and until you can reach down into the emptyness of your life and find the spiritual strength to continue, whether you should call that strength God, or Goodness meaning nothing, then you simply will not understand what I mean, and I do not expect you to...
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 09:18 am
Krumple wrote:

Just more gibberish? What does it mean when you say, "know peace"?

Here is a thing that no theist can answer. Why is sin a sin? What makes it a sin? Just because a being says so? That's it? No other explanation than, "Because I said so..."?

Fido wrote:

Every sin has the same quality: That each is an injury to mankind, and an affront to God... So what if the God does not exist... There is still sin so long as there is injury

This is not consistent within the common christian theology that I so often hear of. There are a laundry list of things that are deemed a sin which do not cause any harm what so ever. How does that make any sense if it is based off injury of fellow mankind?

Fido wrote:

because with injustice the wounds do not heal, but inflame and fester until more injustice grows out of it... We can kill them all and take no prisoner leaving none to feel the injustice, but we are then the injured party since to strike humanity is to feel the blow...

Maybe for you, but I don't have any problem getting over something that someone has done to me that is injurious or hurtful. Don't see why someone would need to be punished for eternity over something so finite.

Fido wrote:

We are one family... We are one humanity... We all have a bit of the story of mankind, our great adventure... They are not animals, and we should not be animals... Rather, though God may not live as we know life to mean, still devils live in the form of man, and we should reject that being, and accept the being of goodness and understanding...

We are animals and it is trying to forget that we are animals which gets us into trouble. That self centered egotistical thinking of self importance as if you are separate from animals which makes us neglect our responsibility to the planet. There are no devils, there are just people who make bad choices and they shouldn't be punished for eternity no matter what their crimes are.

If there is a god who allows anyone to be punished for eternity then I am more compassionate than that god because I would never create a being and expect it to behave a certain way and if it doesn't, punish it for eternity. You can't get any more cruel than that.
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 09:25 am
Fido wrote:

Krumple wrote:

Fido wrote:
You must have a very stiff neck, but some times the good and bad of life will bring you to your knees, and only a power you cannot grasp will pick you up and set you on your path... Whether we shall choose or not we will all submit, sooner or later, and we will know peace, either before death when we can enjoy it or after when we will know nothing...

Yeah I didn't think you could actually answer my questions but I thought I would ask them anyways.

No, life never has one over on me and it is never more than I can handle and I don't need some invisible friend to sooth me when I'm having a rough day. I understand that things can't always go the way I expect or want them to. I also know that things can't always go badly either, and pain is never permanent (Despite what you will try to argue). Death has nothing on me, I don't care about what happens to me after I am dead because I know that there won't be a me or I to care. There is no god but if there is, he is lousy at being a god. Punishing people for disbelief? Punishing people for things he purposely made available? Punishing people who he would already know (if he were omniscient) would never accept his existence without evidence.

The simple fact of allowing a being to suffer for ever over a finite decision is so cruel I can't believe there is anyone who actually thinks that is just.
I am certain you miss my point... Life itself is humbling, and it will make you submit either to the laws of men as you see them, or to the laws of God as your recieve them... Until you have been drained... Until you have gone through some experience that takes everything out of you, and until you can reach down into the emptyness of your life and find the spiritual strength to continue, whether you should call that strength God, or Goodness meaning nothing, then you simply will not understand what I mean, and I do not expect you to...

So your god is a god of suffering? That you don't get to know about this god unless you are incapable of coping with life? Seems like a petty way to find out about this god.

"Here we go, I'll create these beings and when they are experiencing the worse parts of their existence I will reveal myself to them as they plead for mercy." -god

Doesn't sounds like a being that I would care to associate with. You want to try and sell me a different god because I'm not interested in buying that one you are trying to sell me.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2011 12:01 am
But that's stupid.

Can the Devil exist in the absence of religion?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2011 12:06 am

Another unexpected layer to Fido.

How to reconcile Fido the Revolutionary with Fido the Spiritual?

To what must we submit and how does that concept square with revolution?

You don't seem to want to render unto Ceasar what is his.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2011 12:08 am
Life itself is humbling, and it will make you submit either to the laws of men as you see them, or to the laws of God as your recieve them... Until you have been drained... Until you have gone through some experience that takes everything out of you, and until you can reach down into the emptyness of your life and find the spiritual strength to continue, whether you should call that strength God, or Goodness meaning nothing, then you simply will not understand what I mean, and I do not expect you to...


Have you been drained and restored?

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